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Elastix创始人Edgar Landivar在《voip88第一届开源通讯论坛》的演讲视频 [复制链接]

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发表于 2011-01-15 09:34 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
演讲视频见:http://bbs.voip88.com/forum-redi ... tpost.html#lastpost

Hi 你好! Hi VoIP88! 大家还好吗?很开心今天能出现在这里。谢谢。

Now in english... the first thing i am going to say is sorry for my bad chinese accent, i am trying to improve my chinese... so, next time i hope to do it better.


Well... In addition, congratulations to the VoIP88 people who organize this great event and who gave me this beautiful t-shirt... Also thanks to my friend Belief Mo who shared with me the idea to make this video.

嗯...此外,祝贺VoIP88社区组织这个会议,也感谢他们给了我这个美丽的T恤...同时也感谢我的朋友Belief Mo 给了我这么一个好建议,制作这个视频。
At last but not least thanks to my friend Gore, who help me with my chinese pronunciation.

最后,还要感谢我的朋友Gore,感谢他帮我矫正中文发音。 那么,言归正传...
As you may know Elastix has reached its first million downloads a couple of months ago, that means that its popularity is growing... but it has also a consequence which is that we are reaching new markets... and one of the most important markets where Elastix is gaining popularity is the Chinese one.


We see a lot of big possibilities in one of the most important markets on the world and for this reason we will put a lot of effort in adapt our product to the chinese people.


Of course, at the moment Elastix is already translated to Chinese but we are also trying to translate all our training material, user manuals, web site information and several other resources and documentation to this language.


With this initiatives we see more and more chinese people being involved with the project (voip88 is an example of this. Another example is the translation of the Elastix interface to Chinese) and of course we hope to see more and more Chinese Elastix instalations in the very near future.


Well, having said that, I will speak a little bit about a new Elastix feature that will be released in the next months. This feature is related with our call center software. We have detected that this particular piece of software is gaining interesting acceptance in China.

This is the first time we are announcing this feature and we decided to make it here, in this important event.


Ok, so, what is the feature?

The feature is a new technology called Elastix Call Center Protocol.

Yes, as you may suppose it is a protocol. But, there are already a lot of protocols everywhere. So, you may ask: what will be the advantage of this new protocol?


Well, this protocol will allow any third party developer to write its own call center agent interface or any other kind of software which can communicate with our call center engine.


This protocol will be specialized for call center operation, improving performance and allowing large installations of thousand of seats. On the other side, this protocol will allow the proliferation of agent interfaces, so the user will have several options at the moment to choose his call center interface.


Another important thing about this new protocol is that the Elastix team of developers can now focus its work in to build a more powerful and full featured call center engine, without to worry about the agent interface.

关于这个新协议的另一个重要的事情是, Elastix的研发团队现在可以将其工作重点在放在开发一个更加强大和功能齐全的呼叫中心引擎,而不需要担心接入接口。
We will release more information soon... so, stay tuned.


Well, thanks again for the opportunity to participate in this event from Ecuador, here in South America. It is really an honor for me. Hope to be present next year. Good bye.


本文转自于:http://bbs.voip88.com/forum-redi ... tpost.html#lastpost
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