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dovecot+mysql认证问题 [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2010-08-11 11:53 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 qscf_520 于 2010-08-11 14:52 编辑

Aug 11 11:48:17 auth(default): Info: client in: AUTH    1       PLAIN   service=pop3    lip=       rip=       lport=110       rport=59340  resp=AHl1bnhpYTEAMTIzNGFiY2Q=
Aug 11 11:48:17 auth-worker(default): Info: sql(yunxia1, query: select username as user,password from mailbox where username = 'yunxia1' and active='1'
Aug 11 11:48:17 auth(default): Info: client out: OK     1       user=yunxia1
Aug 11 11:48:17 auth(default): Info: master in: REQUEST 1       4619    1
Aug 11 11:48:17 auth-worker(default): Info: sql(yunxia1, select maildir as home,1000 as mail_uid ,1000 as gid from mailbox where username='yunxia1' and active='1'
Aug 11 11:48:17 dovecot: Error: User yunxia1 is missing UID (see mail_uid setting)
Aug 11 11:48:17 auth(default): Info: master out: USER   1       yunxia1 home=/home/domains/gzshenzhen.com/yunxia1/Maildir/
Aug 11 11:48:17 pop3-login: Info: Internal login failure (auth failed, 1 attempts): user=<yunxia1>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=
Aug 11 11:48:17 auth(default): Info: new auth connection: pid=4622

配置文件:cat /usr/local/dovecot/etc/dovecot-sql.conf
driver = mysql
connect = host=/tmp/mysql.sock dbname=extmail user=root password=12345678
#default_pass_scheme = MD5
default_pass_scheme = PLAIN
#password_query = select username as user,password from mailbox where substring(username,1,instr(username,'@')-1) = '%n' and active='1'
password_query = select username as user,password from mailbox where username = '%u' and active='1'
user_query = select maildir as home,1000 as mail_uid ,1000 as gid from mailbox where username='%u' and active='1'

2 [报告]
发表于 2010-08-11 14:43 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 qscf_520 于 2010-08-11 14:53 编辑

Aug 11 14:22:07 auth(default): Info: client in: AUTH    1       PLAIN   service=pop3    lip=       rip= lport=110        rport=1645      resp=AHF1c29uZzcAJDEkcGh6MW1ScmokM29rNkJqZWFvSllXREJzRVBaYjVDMA==
Aug 11 14:22:07 auth-worker(default): Info: sql(qusong7, query: select username as user,password from mailbox where username = 'qusong7' and active='1'
Aug 11 14:22:07 auth(default): Info: client out: OK     1       user=qusong7
Aug 11 14:22:07 auth(default): Info: master in: REQUEST 2       5080    1
Aug 11 14:22:07 auth-worker(default): Info: sql(qusong7, select maildir as home,uidnumber as uid ,gidnumber as gid from mailbox where username='qusong7' and active='1'
[fly][fly]Aug 11 14:22:07 auth(default): Info: master out: USER   2       qusong7 home=/home/domains/gzshenzhen.com/qusong7/Maildir/        uidnumber=1000     mailbox=1000[/fly][/fly]
Aug 11 14:22:07 dovecot: Error: User qusong7 is missing UID (see mail_uid setting)
Aug 11 14:22:07 pop3-login: Info: Internal login failure (auth failed, 1 attempts): user=<qusong7>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=
Aug 11 14:22:08 auth(default): Info: new auth connection: pid=5081

[root@mail wiki]# cat /usr/local/dovecot/etc/dovecot-sql.conf
driver = mysql
connect = host=/tmp/mysql.sock dbname=extmail user=root password=12345678
#default_pass_scheme = MD5
default_pass_scheme = PLAIN
#password_query = select username as user,password from mailbox where substring(username,1,instr(username,'@')-1) = '%n' and active='1'
password_query = select username as user,password from mailbox where username = '%u' and active='1'
user_query = select maildir as home,uidnumber as uid ,gidnumber as gid from mailbox where username='%u' and active='1'

3 [报告]
发表于 2010-08-11 20:00 |只看该作者
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