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嵌入式程序员应该知道的16个问题 [复制链接]

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发表于 2009-12-07 00:03 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
1、预处理器(Preprocessor)... 1
3、预处理器标识#error的目的是什么?... 4
4、死循环(Infinite loops)... 4
declarations)... 5
6、关键字static的作用是什么?... 6
8、Volatile的使用... 9
9、位操作(Bit manipulation)...
10、访问固定的内存位置(Accessing fixed memory locations)...
11、中断(Interrupts)... 13
12、符号扩展的代码例子(Code examples)...
13、处理器字长导致的数据扩展问题... 16
14、动态内存分配(Dynamic memory allocation)...
15、用Typedef构造复合类型... 17
#define SECONDS_PER_YEAR (60 * 60 * 24 *
#define 语法的基本知识(例如:不能以分号结束,括号的使用(表达式、参数等要括起来),等等)
3) 意识到这个表达式将使一个16位机的整型数溢出-因此要用到长整型符号L,告诉编译器这个常数是的长整型数。
#define MIN(A,B) ((A)  6) ? puts("> 6") : puts("6"。原因是当表达式中存在有符号类型和无符号类型时所有的操作数都自动转换为无符号类型。因此-20变成了一个非常大的正整数,所以该表达式计算出的结果大于6。这一点对于频繁用到无符号数据类型的嵌入式系统(硬件寄存器的值全部是无符号的)来说是丰常重要的。如果你答错了这个问题,你也就到了得不到这份工作的边缘。
unsigned int zero = 0;
unsigned int compzero = 0xFFFF;
/*1's complement of zero */
unsigned int
compzero = ~0;
14、动态内存分配(Dynamic memory allocation)
P.J. Plauger,
char *ptr;
if ((ptr = (char *)malloc(0)) == NULL)
puts("Got a null pointer");
puts("Got a valid
a valid
返回一個控指針還是指向 0
malloc(0) in
glibc returns a valid pointer to something(!?!?) while in uClibc calling
malloc(0) returns a NULL. The behavior of malloc(0) is listed as
implementation-defined by SuSv3, so both libraries are equally correct. This
difference also applies to realloc(NULL, 0). I personally feel glibc's behavior
is not particularly safe. To enable glibc behavior, one has to explicitly enable
#define dPS
struct s *
typedef struct s * tPS;
以上两种情况的意图都是要定义dPS 和 tPS
dPS p1,p2;
tPS p3,p4;
struct s * p1, p2;
上面的代码定义p1为一个指向结构的指,p2为一个实际的结构,这也许不是你想要的。第二个例子正确地定义了p3 和p4 两个指针。
int a = 5, b = 7, c;
c = a+++b;
= a++ + b;
因此, 这段代码执行后a = 6, b =
7, c = 12。
obligatory and significant part of the recruitment process for embedded systems
programmers seems to be the "C test." Over the years, I have had to both take
and prepare such tests and, in doing so, have realized that these tests can be
informative for both the interviewer and interviewee. Furthermore, when given
outside the pressure of an interview situation, these tests can also be quite
From the interviewee's perspective, you can learn a lot
about the person who has written or administered the test. Is the test designed
to show off the writer's knowledge of the minutiae of the ANSI standard rather
than to test practical know-how? Does it test ludicrous knowledge, such as the
ASCII values of certain characters? Are the questions heavily slanted towards
your knowledge of system calls and memory allocation strategies, indicating that
the writer may spend his time programming computers instead of embedded systems?
If any of these are true, then I know I would seriously doubt whether I want the
job in question.
From the interviewer's perspective, a test can reveal
several things about the candidate. Primarily, you can determine the level of
the candidate's knowledge of C. However, it's also interesting to see how the
person responds to questions to which they don't know the answers. Do they make
intelligent choices backed up with good intuition, or do they just guess? Are
they defensive when they are stumped, or do they exhibit a real curiosity about
the problem and see it as an opportunity to learn something? I find this
information as useful as their raw performance on the test.
With these
ideas in mind, I have attempted to construct a test that is heavily slanted
towards the requirements of embedded systems. This is a lousy test to give to
someone seeking a job writing compilers! The questions are almost all drawn from
situations I have encountered over the years. Some of them are tough; however,
they should all be informative.
This test may be given to a wide range
of candidates. Most entry-level applicants will do poorly on this test, while
seasoned veterans should do very well. Points are not assigned to each question,
as this tends to arbitrarily weight certain questions. However, if you choose to
adapt this test for your own uses, feel free to assign scores.
1. Using the #define statement, how would you
declare a manifest constant that returns the number of seconds in a year?
Disregard leap years in your answer.
(60 * 60 * 24 * 365)UL
I'm looking for several things
Basic knowledge of the #define syntax (for example, no semi-colon
at the end, the need to parenthesize, and so on)
An understanding that
the pre-processor will evaluate constant expressions for you. Thus, it is
clearer, and penalty-free, to spell out how you are calculating the number of
seconds in a year, rather than actually doing the calculation yourself
realization that the expression will overflow an integer argument on a 16-bit
machine-hence the need for the L, telling the compiler to treat the variable as
a Long
As a bonus, if you modified the expression with a UL (indicating
unsigned long), then you are off to a great start. And remember, first
impressions count!
2. Write the "standard" MIN macro-that is, a
macro that takes two arguments and returns the smaller of the two arguments.
#define MIN(A,B)
6) ? puts("> 6") :
The reason for this is that expressions involving signed and unsigned types have
all operands promoted to unsigned types. Thus ?20 becomes a very large positive
integer and the expression evaluates to greater than 6. This is a very important
point in embedded systems where unsigned data types should be used frequently
(see Reference 2). If you get this one wrong, you are perilously close to not
getting the job.
13. Comment on the following code fragment.
unsigned int zero = 0;
unsigned int compzero = 0xFFFF;
/*1's complement of zero */
On machines where an int is
not 16 bits, this will be incorrect. It should be coded:
unsigned int
compzero = ~0;
This question really gets to whether the candidate
understands the importance of word length on a computer. In my experience, good
embedded programmers are critically aware of the underlying hardware and its
limitations, whereas computer programmers tend to dismiss the hardware as a
necessary annoyance.
By this stage, candidates are either completely
demoralized-or they're on a roll and having a good time. If it's obvious that
the candidate isn't very good, then the test is terminated at this point.
However, if the candidate is doing well, then I throw in these supplemental
questions. These questions are hard, and I expect that only the very best
candidates will do well on them. In posing these questions, I'm looking more at
the way the candidate tackles the problems, rather than the answers. Anyway,
have fun...
Dynamic memory allocation
14. Although not as
common as in non-embedded computers, embedded systems do still dynamically
allocate memory from the heap. What are the problems with dynamic memory
allocation in embedded systems?
Here, I expect the user to mention
memory fragmentation, problems with garbage collection, variable execution time,
and so on. This topic has been covered extensively in ESP , mainly by P.J.
Plauger. His explanations are far more insightful than anything I could offer
here, so go and read those back issues! Having lulled the candidate into a sense
of false security, I then offer up this tidbit:
What does the following
code fragment output and why?
char *ptr;
if ((ptr = (char
*)malloc(0)) ==
puts("Got a null
puts("Got a valid pointer");
This is a fun
question. I stumbled across this only recently when a colleague of mine
inadvertently passed a value of 0 to malloc and got back a valid pointer! That
is, the above code will output "Got a valid pointer." I use this to start a
discussion on whether the interviewee thinks this is the correct thing for the
library routine to do. Getting the right answer here is not nearly as important
as the way you approach the problem and the rationale for your decision.
15. Typedef is frequently used in C to declare
synonyms for pre-existing data types. It is also possible to use the
preprocessor to do something similar. For instance, consider the following code
#define dPS struct s *
typedef struct s *
The intent in both cases is to define dPS and tPS to be
pointers to structure s. Which method, if any, is preferred and why?
This is a very subtle question, and anyone who gets it right (for the
right reason) is to be congratulated or condemned ("get a life" springs to
mind). The answer is the typedef is preferred. Consider the declarations:
dPS p1,p2;
tPS p3,p4;
The first expands to:
struct s * p1, p2;
which defines p1 to be a pointer to
the structure and p2 to be an actual structure, which is probably not what you
wanted. The second example correctly defines p3 and p4 to be pointers.
Obscure syntax
16. C allows some appalling constructs. Is
this construct legal, and if so what does this code do?
int a =
5, b = 7, c;
c = a+++b;
This question is intended to be a
lighthearted end to the quiz, as, believe it or not, this is perfectly legal
syntax. The question is how does the compiler treat it? Those poor compiler
writers actually debated this issue, and came up with the "maximum munch" rule,
which stipulates that the compiler should bite off as big (and legal) a chunk as
it can. Hence, this code is treated as:
c = a++ + b;
Thus, after
this code is executed, a = 6, b = 7, and c = 12.
If you knew the answer,
or guessed correctly, well done. If you didn't know the answer then I wouldn't
consider this to be a problem. I find the greatest benefit of this question is
that it is good for stimulating questions on coding styles, the value of code
reviews, and the benefits of using lint.
Well folks, there you have it.
That was my version of the C test. I hope you had as much fun taking it as I had
writing it. If you think the test is a good test, then by all means use it in
your recruitment. Who knows, I may get lucky in a year or two and end up being
on the receiving end of my own work.
Nigel Jones is a consultant living
in Maryland. When not underwater, he can be found slaving away on a diverse
range of embedded projects. He enjoys hearing from readers and can be reached at
NAJones@compuserve.com .
Jones, Nigel, "In Praise of
the #error directive," Embedded Systems Programming, September 1999, p. 114.
Jones, Nigel, " Efficient C Code for Eight-bit MCUs ," Embedded Systems
Programming, November 1998, p. 66.

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