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Fist Blog on ChinaUnix.net [复制链接]

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发表于 2009-11-26 23:16 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
This is my first web log chinaunix.net.

Firstly, I think I want to say I love Linux.
Actually, I don't know clearly. Maybe I can't find a reasonable reason to pursuade to fall in love wich Linux. Like many things, maybe, people always fall in love with something just his or her first sight or first feeling, not reasonabe feeling, maybe the feeling is wrong, maybe it's a mistake impression, while I fell in love with it, and , made great effot on its study and stick to it. I admire that Torvalds Linux could build a Operating System by himself. Comparing wich my achievement in college, I feel ashamed. I want to know and understand the computer and the computer operating system.
paste a pisture of GNU/Linux.


Secondly, I want to express my position. I love GNU/Linux , and also , I think ,I can't be away from Windows OS, and will use it in my whole life. Certainly, I like windows ,too. I this the first expression of using the dos system , command shell gave me the oppotunity to love linux shell. Many of my classmate can't accept the command interface on linux/unix. That may be the main reason to keep the away from linux.so, here, I want to paste the picture . Linus thumbed up to windows 7.

And The main reason of the opening of this blog:
use web to log the things between linux and me. Including my study, my collection, things about linux such as some links, some pictures, and also the stories if any.

So, Let me start.
[ wulinux @ CUBLOG ~ ]>

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