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源代码管理分析工具 Source Navigator [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2009-08-07 09:37 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

                                [color="#FF0102"]emerge sourcenav
jesse@localhost /opt/sourcenav/bin $./snavigator Can't find a usable tk.tcl in the following directories:     /opt/sourcenav/share/tk8.3
/opt/sourcenav/share/tk8.3/tk.tcl: no event type or button # or keysymno event type or button # or keysym    while executing"bind Listbox  {    %W yview scroll [expr {- (%D / 120) * 4}] units}"    (file "/opt/sourcenav/share/tk8.3/listbox.tcl" line 182)    invoked from within"source [file join $tk_library listbox.tcl]"    invoked from within"if {[string compare $tcl_platform(platform) "macintosh"] && \        [string compare {} $tk_library]} {    source [file join $tk_library button.tcl]    so..."    (file "/opt/sourcenav/share/tk8.3/tk.tcl" line 308)    invoked from within"source /opt/sourcenav/share/tk8.3/tk.tcl"    ("uplevel" body line 1)    invoked from within"uplevel \#0 [list source $file]"
[color="#CC3333"]This probably means that tk wasn't installed properly.[color="#CC3333"]
[color="#CC3333"]localhost ~ # eix dev-lang/tk[color="#000102"]* dev-lang/tk[color="#000102"]     Available versions:  8.4.15-r1 8.4.18 8.4.18-r1 ~8.4.19-r1 ~8.5.7 {debug threads truetype}[color="#000102"]     Homepage:            http://www.tcl.tk/[color="#000102"]     Description:         Tk Widget Set
localhost ~ # eix dev-lang/tcl[color="#000102"]* dev-lang/tcl[color="#000102"]     Available versions:  8.4.15 8.4.18 ~8.4.19 ~8.5.7 {debug threads}[color="#000102"]     Homepage:            http://www.tcl.tk/[color="#000102"]     Description:         Tool Command Language[color="#000102"]
[color="#CC3333"]localhost ~ # ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="~x86" emerge =dev-lang/tk-8.5.7[color="#CC3333"]
[color="#000102"]Messages for package dev-lang/tcl-8.5.7: *  * If you're upgrading from  * packages on your system that link with tcl after the upgrade * completes.  To perform this action, please run revdep-rebuild * in package app-portage/gentoolkit. * If you have dev-lang/tk and dev-tcltk/tclx installed you should * upgrade them before this recompilation, too,localhost ~ # revdep-rebuildlocalhost ~ # cd /usr/portage/dev-util/sourcenavlocalhost sourcenav # emerge sourcenav-5.2_beta2.ebuild

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