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eeepc install emacs gcc under xandros [复制链接]

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发表于 2009-08-06 16:41 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
I took two night to install emacs on my epc under xandros. but it only 7m left for me. so I have to think transfort to other distro on the future.
actually , I don't which way is right. so just detail my operation.
to install emacs.
1)install gcc
first install one high version gcc using debian etch packages under p701/pool
then I remove it and firefox was removed on the same time.
then I Install one lower version gcc and other packages which synatic required.
everytime I install deb package, then appplied them in synatic.
after I installed gcc, I run apt-get install build-essential, it success!!!
2)install emacs
then I find the source-list from forum.eeeuser.com. Sorry, I can't write here.
I update by synatic install emacs 21.
then I can use emacs.
I want to upgrad to emacs23, but not enough space for me.
that's all, perhaps you don't know what I said.
please email me:qingwuking at gmail dot com

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