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刷自己的系统 [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2009-06-29 14:59 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

  • Install the
    JesusFreke's RC30 V1.3+
    . This will give you a root shell root access in recovery mode. A root adb shell is required for the next step.
  • Install the
    engineering boot loader
  • Download the prebuilt
    cupcake installation images
    to your computer. Extract them to a folder somewhere. (Note: I will probably not be keeping this image up to date, so you are better of learning how to build from source. See the do-it-yourself instructions at the end.)
  • Get
    for your computer.
  • Start your phone up into fastboot mode. You can do this by shutting your phone off, and holding camera and power. You will see Androids on skateboards.
  • Connect your phone to your computer. Press the back button on your phone until your screen says FASTBOOT.
  • Go to a terminal on your computer and navigate to your extracted (or built) files and type:

    • chmod a+x fastboot
    • (If you are building from source, make sure the built /out/host/platform/bin directory is in your PATH. Additionally, type "fastboot" rather than "./fastboot")
    • ./fastboot flash system system.img
    • ./fastboot flash boot boot.img
    • ./fastboot flash userdata userdata.img
    • ./fastboot reboot
    • If your phone hangs for a long time while flashing or rebooting, unplug and reconnect your phone. I run into this issue, and that is how I work around it. This may be an issue with the phone being connected to a VM.

    Congratulations! You are done!
    Reverting Back to the G1/Dev Image
  • Reflash the
    modified RC30 image
    from your SD card. If you start up now, your phone will not start up (it will stay hung at the flashing robot). No big deal though.
  • Start up in recovery mode (turn on the phone using home and power). Press Alt-L to show the menu, and press Alt-W to wipe the phone.
    Do it Yourself Instructions For Building from Source
    At the time of writing, the Android Dream build was broken. I needed to do the following to make it work:

    • Several (relatively minor) changes in the Dream audio driver code to fix compilation issues.
    • Copied libOmxCore.so to mydroid/out/target/product/dream/system/lib (this was a missing step in the Building for Dream documentation, and something that should be in the HTC provided script)
    Patching in Maps
  • Copy Maps.apk from a Android Dev Phone 1 into mydroid/out/target/product/dream/system/app
  • Copy com.google.android.maps.jar from a from a Android Dev Phone 1 into mydroid/out/target/product/dream/system/framework
  • Delete mydroid\out\target\product\dream\obj\PACKAGING\systemimage_unopt_intermediates\system.img
  • Delete mydroid\out\target\product\dream\system.img
  • make

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