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Specifications for a simple RTSP client [复制链接]

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发表于 2009-06-02 17:58 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览


This document describes a simple implementation of the client side of
an RTSP session, including the minimal requirements to complete a
successful dialogue with the IFI extension of the Darwin Streaming
Server RTSP implementation. Here, emphasis is made on making parsing
and error control as simple as possible, not necessarily following all
the aspects of the RTSP standard (
RFC 2326
) requirements.

The client is initially supplied with an RTSP URL, on the form:


The URL is either supplied within a simple text file, the file name
being supplied as a command line parameter when the client is started,
or hopefully, the client is able to accept user input in a text box in
the client's graphical user interface.
There are a number of things the client should check while parsing the URL:
  • Whether the URL starts with "rtsp://" (no case sensitivity)
  • Whether the server address is invalid or not (either DNS name or IP address should be accepted)
  • If port number is included (simply check for a colon, ':'), it should check if this port number is valid (an unsigned integer, less than 65536)

What comes after the last slash ('/'), we can leave to the server parser (in our case, however, it would be nice to check whether the object ends with ".sdp", since this is required to activate our reflector capabilities in the RTSP server).
After parsing the URL, the client should have a valid server address
(at least lexically), and possibly a port number. If no port number is
supplied, the default "well known port" for RTSP is assumed, which is 554.
As soon as the URL is parsed, a TCP connection should be made to the
obtained server address/port. The client should then transmit the DESCRIBE request as follows:

DESCRIBE rtsp://server.address:port/object.sdp RTSP/1.0\r\n
CSeq: 1\r\n

Here, of course, '\r\n' is not to be taken literally, but as return and newline characters (as in printf in the C programming language). The describe request should include the RTSP URL exactly as supplied by the user/caller. The "CSeq"
header field is used in sequence numbering, and not really necessary to
operate the RTSP server (it is mandatory according to the standard,
however). It is mainly practical when not operating with an open TCP
connection during the entire session, for the client to make sure no
messages are lost. The server will blindly echo the sequence number,
including a "CSeq" header in the response messages.
The TCP connection can remain open for the duration of the session, but
there is no reason why the connection should be maintained after the
first SETUP request. It is necessary, however, to keep the connection alive while doing the DESCRIBE and the following SETUP requests, because of the the way in which the server is implemented.
Receiving SDP information
The server may respond to the DESCRIBE request in any number of ways (or it might not respond at all), but it is safe to assume that any other response than "RTSP/1.0 200 OK"
in the first line might indicate an error situation (and a good excuse
to give up on this particular session). A successful response to the DESCRIBE might look as follows:

RTSP/1.0 200 OK\n
Server: QTSS(IFI)/v88\n
Cseq: 1\n
Content-Type: application/sdp\n
Content-Base: rtsp://bildeus.ifi.uio.no:8000/12.sdp/\n
Content-length: 785\n
n=2236805513 2236805513 932036356 9875 127 trusted\n
o=yozo 3138827440 3138828177 IN IP4 aohakobe.ipc.chiba-u.ac.jp\n
s=Places all over the world\n
i=Low bandwidth video (10kb/s) with views from all over the world. Audio is primarily for feedback for the senders of video. (looks like there's some problem for the session announcement from sweden distributes to the whole MBone, I'm repeating the announcement from japan. -- yozo.)\n
e=Yozo TODA at IPC, Chiba University, JAPAN \n
c=IN IP4\n
t=3138827400 3141246600\n
a=tool:sdr v2.6.1\n
m=audio 20154 RTP/AVP 0\n
c=IN IP4\n
m=video 51482 RTP/AVP 31\n
c=IN IP4\n

It's not necessary to parse the SDP information entirely. It will suffice to extract the lines containing "a=control:trackID=x" and keep hold of these control strings. It will also be necessary to extract the associated "m=..."
lines kbdceding the control attributes. These indicate the nature of
the media stream, and hence which tool is required to render it ("video" and "audio" indicating vic and rat, respectively).
What to do if there are other media descriptors than "video" or "audio"
is not decided, but the best thing to do might be to ignore them
altogether, telling the user that "unknown media types were
encountered". If no known media type is found, the client must
terminate gracefully.
Setting up
To set up, the "SETUP" request must be issued. It might look like this:

SETUP rtsp://server.address:port/object.sdp/trackID=1 RTSP/1.0\r\n
CSeq: 2\r\n
Transport: RTP/AVP;unicast;client_port=9000-9001\r\n

This request must be issued for each of the control strings
obtained above (leaving out the ones rekbdsenting media types we can't
handle, of course). Note that the original URL is used, augmented by a
slash ('/') and the control string. For the first one of these requests, the server (if all goes well) will respond with:

RTSP/1.0 200 OK\n
Server: QTSS(IFI)/v88\n
Cseq: 2\n
Session: 1234567890;timeout=60
Transport: rtp/avp;source=;server_port=9000-9001;client_port=9000-9001\n

All consecutive SETUP requests must include the session header field. It looks like this:

SETUP rtsp://server.address:port/object.sdp/trackID=2 RTSP/1.0\r\n
CSeq: 3\r\n
Session: 1234567890\r\n
Transport: RTP/AVP;unicast;client_port=9000-9001\r\n

Even though in this example, the session identifier contains only
numbers, the standard allows alpha characters as well. So making the
client able to accept 2Ak432zDQr just as well as 1234567890 would be a good idea (case-sensitive, of course). The standard requires the identifier to be at least 8 octets long.
Again, anything other than "RTSP/1.0 200 OK" might indicate error, and should result in termination. In the responses, the information worth making a note of is the source attribute in the transport header field, and the client_port attribute. These will be needed to start the media tools later on.
Setting up a reflector session is only required if the client host is
not capable of multicast on the MBone. However, using the returned SDP
information to start the Meccano tools will require a much more
elaborate parsing. For the sake of simplicity, we might assume that the
client is not MBone capable.

Otherwise we might issue the SETUP request with "multicast" instead of "unicast"
in the transport header field. The server can then respond with the
appropriate multicast address/port numbers instead of setting up the
reflector. This, however, remains to be implemented in the server.
Other problems might arise as well, since the multicast sessions
visible to the reflector/listener system might not be visible to the
client. A more complete client would parse the SDP information,
determine whether the multicast session is reachable, and initiate
rendering on its own.

Start playing
To start getting the media packets, all we have to do is to send a "PLAY" request to the server. It looks like this:

PLAY rtsp://server.address:port/object.sdp RTSP/1.0\r\n
CSeq: 4\r\n
Session: 1234567890\r\n
Note that the control string is omitted, hence the request applies
to all streams currently set up. Again, other responses than "RTSP/1.0 200 OK" is handled as a fatal error.
Now is the time for starting up the media tools, using the source
address and port number obtained above. Note that the media tools only
require one of the port numbers acquired, for an example, if the
transport header from the server includes "client_port=9000-9001", the media tool only needs port number 9000 in its command line parameters.
This is handled the same way as playing. These two actions might be
implemented using a single button in the client's graphical user
interface, toggling between play and pause.

PAUSE rtsp://server.address:port/object.sdp RTSP/1.0\r\n
CSeq: 5\r\n
Session: 1234567890\r\n

Tearing down
The request "TEARDOWN" is only
issued at the very end of the session. This makes the server release
all its resources pertaining to the session, and new SETUP requests will have to be sent in order to restart the media streams. It looks like this:

TEARDOWN rtsp://server.address:port/object.sdp RTSP/1.0\r\n
CSeq: 6\r\n
Session: 1234567890\r\n

The server will reply:

RTSP/1.0 200 OK\n
Server: QTSS(IFI)/v88\n
Cseq: 6\n
Session: 537103309\n
Connection: Close\n

When the reply to this message is received, the client can safely
disconnect. The sequence number is really not required. However, the Session: header field is mandatory.
Important: The TEARDOWN must be issued before
the client application is allowed to terminate, otherwise the reflector
is liable to swamp the client host with unwanted udp packets. Another
thing which might pose a problem, is that of client bandwidth. If
reflector output surpasses available bandwitdh between itself and the
client, TCP traffic to the RTSP server might be blocked. This situation
is extremely undisirable, because the client internet connection in
effect becomes unusable. The solution to this problem (at the moment),
has been to implement a refresh timeout in the server. The client is
required to send "dummy" requests within certain intervals. The most
suited request for this, is OPTIONS. The timeout period (in seconds) is indicated by the SETUP reply message, in the session header field. To keep the session alive, just send along an OPTIONS request every now and then. It's done like this:

OPTIONS rtsp://server.address:port/object.sdp RTSP/1.0\r\n
CSeq: 6\r\n
Session: 1234567890\r\n

Failure to pass these refresh "requests" would in effect mean the same as a TEARDOWN request.
The client may operate in three distinct states, disconnected, playing and paused. When the application is started, the state is of course "disconnected". After starting up, the client issues the requests DESCRIBE, SETUP and PLAY,
and enters the "playing" state. The play button changes into a pause
button, and the media rendering tools are started. During this state,
the client sends the OPTIONS request regularly.
When the user kbdsses the recently appeared pause button, the PAUSE
request is sent, and state is transferred into "paused". The pause
button changes into a play button. When the user kbdsses the exit
button (or exits the client application), TEARDOWN is sent, the TCP channel is broken, and the media tools are terminated.
Written by Guy Thomas Kværnberg,

sourceforge里有rtsp client的实现,具体请见http://sourceforge.net/projects/simplertsp


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