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C-Breeze [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2009-03-24 22:01 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

What is C-Breeze?
  C-Breeze is an infrastructure for building C compilers. It is written in C++, and consists of a set of classes for representing a C program as an abstract syntax tree (AST). It includes many support classes for inspecting, manipulating, and analyzing the program in the AST form. We also provide a front end that parses C code (ANSI/ISO 9899-1990 standard) and generates the initial AST.

Building a compiler with C-Breeze
  The overall process of building a C-Breeze compiler is as follows:

Download and upack the C-Breeze source.
Fix the Makefile.inc to reflect your local configuration.
Compile the classes to produce libc-breeze.a
Define one or more new compiler Phases.
Compile your new Phases and link against libc-breeze.a to produce an executable.

System requirements
  The C-Breeze code itself is quite portable, but the C compilers built using C-Breeze can only compile C89 code. Therefore, C-Breeze compilers must have a C89-compliant preprocessor and C89-friendly system header files. We have found that the following configuration works well:

Compile the C-Breeze classes using g++ 3.x
Provide gcc 2.95.x (and accompanying header files) for your C-Breeze compiler to use as the preprocessor.

Citing C-Breeze
  If you incorporate C-Breeze into your research, please let us know -- and please use the following citation in your publications:

The C-Breeze Compiler Infrastructure
Calvin Lin, Samuel Z. Guyer, Daniel Jimenez
TR-01-43, The University of Texas at Austin, November, 2001.

  C-Breeze provides some built-in passes that process C code at various levels:

AST level passes
  After initial parsing, C-Breeze represents C programs in a high-level AST form.

CFG/Dismantled level passes
  Most analysis and optimization passes use a dismantled form of the AST that resembles a three-address code.

Backend passes
  We currently provide an assembly code backend as well as a C-code backend ("unparsing"


2 [报告]
发表于 2009-03-24 22:47 |只看该作者
在 AST 上进行所有分析和优化,有 C 后端和 ASM 后端。

3 [报告]
发表于 2009-03-26 07:10 |只看该作者
好像是 得克萨斯大学
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