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在linux终端中使用 鼠标 [复制链接]

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发表于 2009-02-06 20:18 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

使用 gpm
          From openSUSE

This article should be included in the Support Database!
This article should be polished to adhere to the
Support Database (SDB) standards
, and then moved to the
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Wiki Team
The gpm is mouse server in Linux.
What it does?
It does the same as any mouse driver and more. It will read
mouse events, moves and clicks, and give that information to
applications. For instance you can copy and paste text from anywhere on
the screen to command line by highlighting the text and pressing middle
button. Useful if you want to skip typing of very long file names like
openSUSE iso images, for instance.
It has many drivers included, so it will work with almost any mouse on the market.
Note 1: gpm can be started only by root user.
Reason: It is system service for all users, and as any other system resource only root has right to start or stop it.
Note 2: gpm needs parameters. it will not work without.
Reason: It can control more than 1 mouse, and you have to tell which of them you want to use.
The most important parameter is
gpm -k
that will stop running mouse server. Don't laugh, before you start
car, you should know where is the brake.
When you miss some parameter and you can't see the mouse cursor on the
screen, than you have to stop gpm, edit command line, and start it
To see list of mouse types that are supported with -t parameter
gpm -t help
Short help list
gpm -h
More about other parameters you can find in the gpm
manual pages
. Open
and type:
man gpm
Example 1: Starting explorer ps2 mouse connected to /dev/input/mice
gpm -m /dev/input/mice -t exps2
Example 2: Adjusting acceleration
gpm -m /dev/input/mice -t exps2 -d -a 3
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