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Basic Linux Commands [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2009-01-24 18:46 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
1. tty - reveals the current terminal
2. whoami - reveals the current login
3. which - reveals where in the search path a program is located
4. echo - prints to the screen
a. `echo $VAR` - dumps the current varible to STDOUT
b. `echo $PWD` - dumps the contents of the $PWD variable
c. `echo $OLDPWD` - dumps the most recently visited directory
d. `echo $?` - shows the state of the previous command
    0 succeed
    1 failure
    127 not a correct command
    126 can't execute
5. set - prints and optionally sets
6. clear - clears the screen
7. reset - resets the screen buffer
8. history - reveals your command history
a. !690 -executes the 690th command in our history
b. command history is maintained on a per-user basis via:
~ = user's home directory
9. pwd - prints the working directory
10. cd - chages directory to desired directory
a. `cd`,`cd ~` with no options changes to the $HOME directory
b. `cd /` changes to the root of the file system
c. `cd Desktop/` changes us to the relative directory 'Desktop'
d. `cd ..` chages us one-level up in the directory tree
f. `cd ../..` changes us two-level up in the directory tree
11. Arrow keys (up and down) navigates through your command history
12. BASH  supports tab completion: type unique
a. type unique characters in the command and press 'Tab'
13. You can copy and paste in GNOME terminal
a. left button to block
b. right button to paste OR Ctrl-Shift-v to paste
14. ls - lists files and directories
a. `ls /` - lists the contents of the '/' mount point
b. `ls -l` - lists the contents of a directory in long format:
  Includes: permitions, links, ownership, size, date, nameinfo
c. ls -ld /etc - lists properties of the directory '/etc' NOT the contents of '/etc'
d. `ls -ltr` - sorts chronologically from older to newer (bottom)
e. `ls --help` -returns possible usage information
f. `ls -a` - reveals hidden files. e.g. '.bash_history'
g. `ls -i` - reveals i-notes of files
h. `ls -lh` - reveals in a human-read mode
Note: files/directories prefixed with '.' are hidden. e.g. '.bash_history'
inote represents the actuall storage unit of a file
15. cat - catenate files (tac in reverse)
a. `cat 123.txt` - dumps the contents of '123.txt' to STDOUT
b. `cat 123.txt 456.txt` - dumps both files to STDOUT
c. `cat 123.txt 456.txt > 123456.txt - creates new catenated file
d. `cat -s data1 - shorten blanks to one when catenating
e. `cat -E` - display $ at end of each line
16. mkdir - creates a new directory
a. `mkdir testRH5` = creates a 'testRH5' directory
17. cp - copies files
a. `cp 123.txt testRH5/` copy 123.txt to testRH5/
By default, 'cp' does NOT preserve the original modification time
b. `cp -v 456.txt testRH5/` gives out a view while coping
18. mv - moves files
a. `mv [-v] 123456.txt testRH5/` - moves the file, preserving timestamp
19. rm removes files/directories
a. `rm 123.txt`
b. `rm -rf 456.txt` - removes recursively, and enforces
20. touch - creates blank files/updates timestamp
a. `touch test.txt` - create a zero-bytes file in case it does not exist
b. `touch file{1,2,3,4,5}` - create file1 file2 file3 file4 file5
c. `touch 123456.txt` (123456.txt already exists) - will update the timestamp
d. `touch -t 200901221530 123456.txt` changes timestamp
21. stat - reveals statistics of files
a. `stat 123456.txt` - reveals full attributes of the file
22. find - finds files using search patterns
a. `find / -name fstab`
Note: 'find can search for fields returned by the 'stat' command
23. alias - returns/sets aliases for
a. `alias` - dumps current aliases
b. `alias copy='cp -v'`
24. more|less - paginators, which display text one-page at a time
1. more /etc/fstab
25. seq - echoes a sequence of numbers
a. `seq 1000` > 1thousand.txt - creates a file with numbers 1-1000
26. su - swiches users
a. `su` - attemps to log in as 'root'
27. head - displays opening lines of text files
a. `head /var/log/messages` - displays the opening lines of files
28. tail - displays the closing liness of text files
a. `tail /var/log/messages`
29. wc - counts words and optionally lines and words and letters of text files
a. `wc -l /var/log/messages`
b. `wc 123.txt`
c. wc -l data1 | cut -d ' ' -f 7 - cut the word on the 7th position ,with delimiter ' '
30. file - determines file type
a. 'file /var/log/message'
31. test - check file types and compare values
a. `test 2 -eq 3 ; echo $?` - test whether 2 equals 3
b. `[ a1 -nt a2 ]; echo $?` - test whether file a1 is newer than a2
c. `[ -e la ]; echo $?` - test whether file or directory la exists
d. `[ -f la ]; echo $?` - test whether la is a regular file
f. `[ -S la ]; echo $?` - test whether la is a socket file
g. `[ -s la ]; echo $?` - test whether ls is a log file
h. `[ -b /dev/sda ]; echo $?` - test whether /dev/sda is a block device
i. `[ -c a ]; echo $?` - test whether a is a character device
32. sleep - delay for some time
a. `sleep 5` - sleep for 5s
b. `usleep 5000` - sleep for 5ms
33. time - test the action time of a process
a. `time ls -ltr`
34. ps - report a snaport of the current processes
a. `ps` - current main processes
b. `ps -awx` - all the current processes
35. watch - execute a program periodically, showing output fullscreen
36. date - print or set the system time and date
a. `date` current date
b. `date -r grub.conf` print the action time of grub.conf
c. `date -r grub.conf +%s` print the number of seconds
36. expr - evaluate expression
a. `expr 10 + 10 (10 \* 10 )`
b. `expr as = As`
c. `expr substr as = 1 3`
Note: expr boolean 1 true 2 false
37. bg & fg - push the job into the background / frontground
a. `fg 7790`
Note: Ctrl + z push the current job into the background
38. sort - sort lines of files
a. echo 1 2 3 a b aa | sort > op1.txt
b. seq 100000 | sort > op2.txt
39. uniq - delete the repeated words
a. sort t1.txt | uniq
40. cut - remove sections from each line of files
a. cat /etc/passed | cut -d: -f
41. tr - translate or delet characters
a. `echo file1 | tr A-Z a-z`
b. `echo [:upper:] [:lower:]`
42. read - give a variable a value
a. `read test`
b. `read -n 3 $answer
43. unset - unset a variable
a. `unset firstname`
44. source - execute and give the out-put
45. export - change a variable to environment variable
| - pipe the out-put of a command to another
> - give out the out-put to a file
>> - add the out-put to the end of a file
; - execute the command after the former one
( ) - execute the commands in the bracket first
|| - execute if the former $? != 0
&& - execute if the former $? = 0

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