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MORE ABOUT guangzhou massage [复制链接]

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发表于 2008-12-16 14:26 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

He taught that systematic
guangzhou massage
and the proper use of training methods can strengthen muscles, and the athlete is then prepared for maximum performance. The Arabs also took interest in natural sciences and medicine.
Also, using guangzhou massage to alleviate fatigue and generally refresh the body was proven to be effective for explorers and sailors who learned these methods from the natives in the Pacific Islands, India, and Indonesia, as well as the American Indians.
The greatest merit in the development of guangzhou massage at the time was credited to the famous Roman doctor Claudios Galenos (born in Pergam, 129- 201 A.D.). He was a doctor in the school for gladiators, where he was the first to systematically use a preparatory
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called “frictio”, which consisted of rubbing and kneading, in the beginning lightly, then with more force, but slowly and modestly increasing pressure so that the guangzhou massage would not be painful. After games and competitions he used a sports guangzhou massage which he called “apotherapy” to remove fatigue.
The word “guangzhou massage” arose long ago. It is believed to have come from the Greek word “masso”, which means “to press” or “to knead”. Stemming from the root word, the French word masser, hebrew mases, Arabic mas, Latin massa, and Sanskrit makch all mean “to rub”.
The oldest written documentaion of guangzhou massage is found in Egypt. Written on papyrus which researchers date as far back as 5000 years B.C., guangzhou massage is presented as one of several effective means of healing. Ancient findings of guangzhou massage in writing have also been found in China.
In Greece, they rubbed a mix of oil, resin, sand, sweat, and silt on their bodies after playing sports, like the statue of the athlete Apoxyomenos shows. (A similar scraper from Roman times is in Aquinek Muzeum, in a northern suburb of Budapest). In Greece, guangzhou massage was even provided for the young (boys up to 7yrs.), and it is still an important factor in the upbringing of young men, athletes, and soldiers. Physical training instructors who taught gym also gave guangzhou massages with oil and sand.
The Romans learned guangzhou massage from the Greeks. Allegedly, it was brought by Bythynie Askepiades (born around 124 B.C., died in Rome about 60 B.C.). Askepiades recommended masage as one of the basic means for maintaining good health.
guangzhou massage was divided into types, dry guangzhou massage or oil guangzhou massage, and further specified by length- short or long
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He also brought a new type of guangzhou massage technique using vibration. He strongly supported a healthy way of living, especially moderation in food and drink, and the use of physical exercise and guangzhou massage.
They also used different creams and extracts from plants, cooked in oil or mixed with bear, wolf, or other animal fat. Their technique using the whip is still widely practiced in public spas (eg. Russian “bana”) and saunas today.
in the canon Nei Tching Sou Wen, written by Houang-Ti (approx. 3700 B.C.), is an essay about the uses of guangzhou massage and callisthenics for taking care of the body. India is yet another place where guangzhou massage was utilized in ancient times as a part of daily personal hygiene. Before the military invasions in India, Alexander the Great (327 B.C.) found that Indian doctors used guangzhou massage very often as a healing method.
Arabic guangzhou massage typically specialized in the more uncommon methods, for example massaging the back with their feet. Unlike other groups, the Slavs had a unique method for guangzhou massage, using a whip from birch or oak branches.
Avicenna (Ibn Sína, doctor and philosopher, 780 – 837 A.D.), for example, promoted good hygiene,
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, and physical exercise. guangzhou massage then spread from the Arabs to the Turks, Persians, and to the Kavkaz region.
Throughout the history of man, guangzhou massage has doubtlessly been considered a traditional cure-all method. Pain from injuries are lessened or even removed by rubbing and kneading the area, which is the basis of hands-on guangzhou massage.

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