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Eclipse Ganymede 先睹为快+远程系统开发 [复制链接]

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发表于 2008-09-09 17:27 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

                                                Eclipse Ganymede 先睹为快原文链接:
我是在使用远程系统管理(DSDP Target Management (DSDP-TM))的时候发现这篇文章的,
Connecting to a remote Windows server
Connecting to a remote Windows server
The following documentation explains how to install the Windows server
code, start the server daemon, and make a connection to a remote Windows server. Look
for setting up a server on
Linux, General UNIX or Mac
, and
additional configuration options.
Installing the server code
  • Create a directory where you want to install the server code. The remainder
    of these instructions will assume the directory name and location is
    C:\rseserver, but you are free to use any directory you choose.
  • Find the package that contains the server. The server code is usually
    packaged with a containing product and you should refer to that product's
    documentation for finding and installing the server package. The server is also
    available, however, on the Eclipse DSDP Target
    Management download site as the package
    rseserver--.zip. For example,
    rseserver-2.0-windows.zip contains the release 2.0 server for Windows.
  • Copy the rseserver.zip to the C:\rseserver directory (this could be on a
    different machine).
  • Using an unzip utility to extract the server code to the C:\rseserver
    Starting the server
    You can start the RSE communications server with the server manually, or with
    a daemon.
    To start the server with a the server daemon:
  • Simply double click the daemon.bat program to start a server
  • You can edit the daemon.bat file to change properties for the
    daemon, like a specific daemon port to use or to force a port range for the
    server (in order to comply with firewalls).
    Note that the server daemon does not enforce any user authentication.
    If you run the server daemon, any user can connect to the machine, work with the
    file system and run commands. Use of the server
    daemon on Windows systems is not recommended.
    The server daemon runs
    on port 4075 by default. You can pass the optional daemonPort argument to force
    a different port if you want.If your daemon runs behind a
    firewall, you may want to specify the optional serverPortRange argument
    to restrict selected server ports to the range given:daemon.bat 4075 10000-10010
    To start the server manually:
  • Simply double click on the server.bat program to start a
    dstore server. The server will pick the first port available and print the port
    number. By default, it is usually 4033. You will then have to enter this port
    number in port property for the Files subsystem for your connection in the Remote System Explorer.
  • For security reasons, the server will only wait a limited time until a
    client connects (12000 seconds by default).
  • In order to start the server with an exactly specified port or timeout, open
    a Windows command prompt and enter: c:
    cd \rseserver
    server.bat [port] [timeout]
  • When you connect RSE to the server, the server will terminate as soon as you
    disconnect the client. The daemon, however, will not terminate.


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