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Debian Install FlashPlayer on FireFox [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2008-08-30 20:41 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Step1: DownLoad -> install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz
Step2: tar -zxf install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz
Step3: Install FireFox
           #apt-get install firefox
SmallBox:/home/Software/install_flash_player_9_linux# ./flashplayer-installer
Copyright(C) 2002-2006 Adobe Macromedia Software LLC.  All rights reserved.
Adobe Flash Player 9 for Linux
Adobe Flash Player 9 will be installed on this machine.
You are running the Adobe Flash Player installer as the "root" user.
Adobe Flash Player 9 will be installed system-wide.
Support is available at
To install Adobe Flash Player 9 now, press ENTER.
To cancel the installation at any time, press Control-C.
NOTE: Please exit any browsers you may have running.
Press ENTER to continue...
Please enter the installation path of the Mozilla, Netscape,
or Opera browser (i.e., /usr/lib/mozilla): /usr/lib/iceweasel
WARNING: The Adobe Flash Player binary is a symbolic link.
         The installer will replace this symbolic link with the actual binary.
----------- Install Action Summary -----------
Adobe Flash Player 9 will be installed in the following directory:
Browser installation directory = /usr/lib/iceweasel
Proceed with the installation? (y/n/q): y
Installation complete.
Perform another installation? (y/n): n
Please log out of this session and log in for the changes to take effect.
The Adobe Flash Player installation is complete.
Author:    Small.Box
Time:        2008.07.02   14:52pm
System:   Debian /Linux Kernel 2.6.18
Address: Dalian

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