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Funcom Seeking Volunteer Mods [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2008-07-19 15:31 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

Funcom is looking for additional volunteer
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forum moderators for our official Age of Conan English forums.
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The details are as follows:
Do you want to help build
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and ensure the well being of the Age of Conan community?
The Funcom
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Volunteer Forum Moderation Program is looking for
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individuals with excellent communication skills
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who are active in the Age of Conan community. These individuals would be entrusted with the moderation and well being of the Age of Conan community.
If you are interested in volunteering your time to joining the
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Funcom Volunteer Forum Moderation Program as a moderator.
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Then please read the information below on the requirements and send in your
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application via Private Message to The Voice of Crom.
An applicant for a moderator
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position on a Funcom forum has to meet the following requirements:
Good English Skills
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(no matter what language the preferred forum will be)
Good skills in the preferred forum’s language
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(English, German, French, Spanish…)
Active member on a Funcom forum
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for at least 2 months
Active player
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of the game (where applicable)
No infractions in any of the Funcom forums
Some experience
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in moderating forums
Organization skills
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