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第6课 [复制链接]

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发表于 2008-07-06 23:08 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
soon 不久以后,强调时间上的快
quickly 动作上的快
for a short time 不久,表示动作延续了一段时间
shortly = soon 不久以后
in a hurry 动作上的匆忙
so 表示前面是原因,后面是结果
that's why + 从句: 那就是为什么,前者是原因
I was caught in the traffic jam. That's why I was late.
That's 后面的表语从句常常用特殊疑问词引导,再加一个句子。
That's when we can start class.
That's where we will have a meeting.
That's how I get to school.
other 其他的
else 其他的,放在被修饰词的后面
who else
what else can I do for you?
anyone else
anything else
another 另外一个
= an + other
1 an/a 是冠词
2 his/my/your是形容词性物主代词
3 my mother's 是名词所有格
a bag
my bag
beggar n. 乞丐
beg v. 乞求
ask for 请求得到
beg for 乞求得到
food n. 食物,不可数
a lot of food
pocket n. 衣服口袋
inner pocket 大衣或西装的内口袋
jacket pocket 夹克口袋
coat pocket 大衣口袋
pocket book 袖珍书
pocket dictionary 袖珍词典
pocket money (小孩)零花钱
beer money (男孩)零花钱
change 零钱
get exact change 准备好零钱
pocket pick 车上的小偷
call v. 拜访,光顾
visit v. 拜访
call sb. 给某人打电话
call up sb. 给某人打电话
call back 回电话
Can you tell him to call back?
call on + sb. = visit somebody
call at + 地点 = visit someplace
I will call on you.
I will call at your home.
call out = shout 大声喊
shout v.n. 呼喊, 呼叫
call in sb. 召集和邀请
For the project, the government called in a lot of experts.
expert n.专家
move to 搬到
knock at 敲
knock at the door
knock at the window
beer 啤酒
bear 忍受
ask sb for sth 问某人要什么东西
=request for
for 为了这个目的去请求某人,sb更多的时候不出现:
ask for sth
The boy asked (his parents) for money again/once more.
in return for this 作为对...的回报
in return 作为回报
He doesn't want anything in return.
I'll buy a present for him in return for hospitality.
hospitality n.好客, 盛情, 热情
this 在代词中常常指代上文的一件事。
stand on one's head 倒立(头着地)
stand on one's hands 倒立(手着地)
stand on one's knees 跪着
lie on one's back 仰面躺着
lie on one's side 侧躺
lie on one's stomach 爬着
stand on one's
knee [ni:] n.膝, 膝盖
lie [lai] vi.躺
lie in bed 躺在床上
stomach n.胃
give him a meal
go away
tell sb about sth 通过其他的事情自己得出结论,
tell you about him 告诉你他的一些情况
tell sb sth 告诉某人某件事,把事情直接告诉
tell you the news
Everybo knows him.
in the street 英国人用
on the street 美国人用
once a month 一个月一次,单位表达方式
a 表示每月一次,计量单位
5 kilometers an hour 每小时5公里
关键句型:a, the, some
a 加单数可数名词。
the 可加单数或复数可数名词,还可加不可数名词,加在什么名词前都对。
some 只能加在不可数名词或可数名词复数的前面。
1 a 和 the 的区别:
the 特指
a man
the man
A man is walking towards me. The man is carrying a parcel. The parcel is full of meat.
parcel ['pa:sl] n.小包, 包裹
2 表示笼统概念的陈述句中可以省略a和some
Yesterday I bought a book. Books are not very expensive.
I have just drunk a glass of milk. Milk is very refreshing.
I ate an apple. Apples are delicious.
I like oranges. Would you like some oranges?
3 姓名前一般不能用定冠词和不定冠词。
John lives in England. He has a hose in London.
put on
take off
look at
look for
look after
look out
knock at 敲
knock off
1 下班
He knock off earlier.
2 knock sth off + 地点 从...地方撞到
knock the vase off the table  
3 打折
knock 10% off the price
knock over 撞倒(没有地点, 如果有地点,用knock off)
A car knocked the boy over.
I knocked the boy off the bicycle.
knock out 打晕
在拳击场合中,把人打倒叫knock out
boxer 拳击手

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