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Bluetooth-alsa Bluetooth audio for Linux [复制链接]

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发表于 2008-03-03 16:43 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

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Please help test the audio drivers that are built into Bluez

This project aims to make bluetooth headsets of all types work well with Linux computers, from a standard desktop to a limited embedded device.
For cvs, etc. see the
project pages at sourceforge
To make the computer act like a headset and talk to a cellphone, check out
VoiceThe most common use of bluetooth audio is to make a wireless connection to a cellphone. This is typically done using a small headset that fits over one ear. These headsets don't deliver outstanding audio quality. A headset used for a phone call should not introduce much delay. A special transport, Synchronous Connection-Oriented, or SCO, was invented to provide this low-delay monophonic audio with voice-quality fidelity.
SCO headsets have one or both of two profiles for 2-way voice communication.
The simpler profile is the Headset Profile, or HSP. It provides for a way to tap a button to start or end a call and buttons for controlling audio levels.
The more advanced Hands-free Profile, HFP, adds a host of optional functions like call rejection, last-number redial, caller id display, and dialing specific phone numbers.
High-fidelity audioThe advanced audio distribution profile, A2DP, provides the basis for high-fidelity audio. The bandwidth of bluetooth cannot accommodate uncompressed high-quality stereo audio, so the audio stream must be digitally compressed.
Pausing, playing, advancing the track are features of the AVRCP profile, most commonly combined with A2DP.

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