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Linux Related Free E-books [复制链接]

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发表于 2008-01-07 00:34 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
  • 原贴见http://www.linuxhaxor.net/2007/09/05/68-linux-related-free-e-books/
  • 另外,介绍一个网页http://www.ss64.com/bash/

  • Advanced Linux Programming by CodeSourcery LLC

  • Comprehensive Linux Textbook by Muayyad Saleh Al-Sadi

  • java Application Development on Linux by Carl Albing and Michael Schwarz
  • LinuxClient
    Migration Cookbook, Version 2: A Practical Planning andImplementation
    Guide for Migrating to Desktop Linux by Chris Almond

  • Linux Compute Clusters by Chander Kant

  • The Linux Cookbook: Tips and Techniques for Everyday Use by Michael Stutz

  • Linux Device Drivers by Alessandro Rubini and Jonathan Corbet

  • Linux Installation and Getting Started by Matt Welsh

  • Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide by Ori Pomerantz

  • Linux Network Administrator’s Guide by Olaf Kirch and Terry Dawson

  • Securing and Optimizing Linux by Gerhard Mourani

  • Self-Service Linux: Mastering the Art of Problem Determination by Dan Behman and Mark Wilding

  • Slackware Linux Essentials by Alan Hicks, Chris Lumens, David Cantrell, and Logan Johnson

  • Linux Admins Security Guide

  • Linux Security Howto

  • Linux Firewall Configuration, Packet Filtering & netfilter/iptables

  • Linux Device Drivers, Third Edition

  • GNU Bash Reference Manual

  • Knowing Knoppix

  • Linux Client Migration Cookbook

  • Vi iMproved (VIM)

  • Linux: Rute User’s Tutorial and Exposition

  • The Book of Webmin

  • Linux From Scratch

  • GNU Emacs manual

  • Writing GNOME Applications

  • KDE 2.0 Development

  • GTK+/Gnome Application Development

  • GNU Autoconf, Automake and Libtool

  • Advanced Linux Programming

  • Secure Programming for Linux and Unix

  • The Art of Unix Programming

  • The Linux Development Platform

  • C++ GUI Programming With Qt 3

  • Unofficial Ubuntu Guide

  • The Easiest Linux Guide You’ll Ever Read - An Introduction to Linux for Windows users

  • SUSE Linux Administration Guide

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Installation Guide

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Reference Guide

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Step By Step Guide

  • Fedora Linux Essentials
    Visual Basic Essentials

  • Fedora Core 7 Desktop Guide

  • Ubuntu Linux Essentials

  • PHP Essentials

  • Essentials

  • Red Hat Fedora Core 7 Installation Guide

  • The Art of Unix Programming

  • Bash Guide for Beginners

  • Beyond Linux from Scratch

  • The Book of Webmin Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love UNIX

  • Brian and Tom’s Linux Book

  • Debian GNU/Linux Desktop Survival Guide

  • Debian GNU/Linux System Administrator’s Manual

  • Everyday Linux

  • FreeBSD Handbook
    GNU Manuals Online
    In The Beginning Was The Command Line

  • Introduction to Linux - A Hands on Guide

  • LDAP Operations HOWTO
    Learning Debian GNU/Linux

  • Learning the Unix Operating System

  • Linux Administration Made Easy

  • Linux Dictionary

  • The Linux kernel

  • Linux Kernel 2.4 Internals

  • The Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide

  • LINUX: Rute User’s Tutorial and Exposition

  • Maximum RPM, Taking the Red Hat Package Manager to the Limit

  • Pocket Linux Guide

  • Secure Programming for Linux and Unix HOWTO

  • Linux+ Study Guide

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