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[桌面系统] Mutt发送邮件的问题 [复制链接]

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发表于 2007-10-30 09:20 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Mutt+Msmtp在Debian 4下用Gmail收发邮件都没问题,不过一旦我发送邮件时添加了附件以后就发送不出去了,每次都是服务器拒绝发送,这是怎么回事?而且无论什么附件服务器都拒绝发送,是不是哪里的格式设置有问题哦?有没人也遇到过这种问题哦?摆脱各位大侠帮帮忙吧,感谢各位了

After study, there have to do some modification to .muttrc:
+set mime_forword=yes
+set mime_forword_rest=yes
However, it only lets mutt send attach excluding at least zip file (i tried .doc, .txt, without problem). I don't know why. Is there someone having the solution?

Finally, the GMail Team replies that GMail doesn't support sending files with extension of ZIP, TAR and EXE, so comes the solution: Just change the extension to something else, then it is solved, the check won't glance the content at all.

[ 本帖最后由 jefferic 于 2007-10-30 10:20 编辑 ]
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