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semaphore [复制链接]

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发表于 2007-06-27 20:42 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

file locking
?  Well, semaphores can be
thought of as really generic advisory locking mechanisms.  You can use
them to control access to files,
shared memory
and, well, just about anything you want.  The basic functionality of a
semaphore is that you can either set it, check it, or wait until it
clears then set it ("test-n-set").  No matter how complex the stuff that
follows gets, remember those three operations.
This document will provide an overview of semaphore functionality, and
will end with a program that uses semaphores to control access to a
file.  (This task, admittedly, could easily be handled with file
locking, but it makes a good example since it's easier to wrap your head
around than, say, shared memory.)
Grabbing some semaphores
With System V IPC, you don't grab single semaphores; you grab
sets of semaphores.  You can, of course, grab a semaphore set
that only has one semaphore in it, but the point is you can have a whole
slew of semaphores just by creating a single semaphore set.
How do you create the semaphore set?  It's done with a call to
semget(), which returns the semaphore id (hereafter referred to
as the semid):
    int semget(key_t key, int nsems, int semflg);
What's the key?  It's a unique identifier that is used
by different processes to identify this semaphore set.  (This
key will be generated using ftok(), described
in the
Message Queues
The next argument, nsems, is (you guessed it!) the
number of semaphores in this semaphore set.  The exact number is system
dependent, but it's probably between 500 and 2000.  If you're needing
more (greedy wretch!), just get another semaphore set.
Finally, there's the semflg argument.  This tells
semget() what the permissions should be on the new semaphore
set, whether you're creating a new set or just want to connect to an
existing one, and other things that you can look up.  For creating a new
set, you can bit-wise or the access permissions with IPC_CREAT.
Here's an example call that generates the key with
ftok() and creates a 10 semaphore set, with 666
(rw-rw-rw-) permissions:
    key_t key;
    int semid;
    key = ftok("/home/beej/somefile", 'E');
    semid = semget(key, 10, 0666 | IPC_CREAT);
Congrats!  You've created a new semaphore set!  After running the
program you can check it out with the ipcs command.  (Don't
forget to remove it when you're done with it with ipcrm!)
semop(): Atomic power!
All operations that set, get, or test-n-set a semaphore use the
semop() system call.  This system call is general purpose, and
its functionality is dictated by a structure that is passed to it,
struct sembuf:
    struct sembuf {
        ushort sem_num;
        short sem_op;
        short sem_flg;
Of course, sem_num is the number of the semaphore in the set
that you want to manipulate.  Then, sem_op is what you want to
do with that semaphore.  This takes on different meanings, depending on
whether sem_op is positive, negative, or zero, as shown in the
following table:
sem_op What happens
The value of sem_op is added to the semaphore's value.
This is how a program uses a semaphore to mark a resource as allocated.
If the absolute value of sem_op is greater than
the value of the semaphore, the calling process will block until the
value of the semaphore reaches that of the absolute value of
sem_op.  Finally, the absolute value of sem_op will be
subtracted from the semaphore's value.  This is how a process releases a
resource guarded by the semaphore.
This process will wait until the semaphore in question reaches 0.
Table 1.  sem_op values and their effects.
So, basically, what you do is load up a struct
sembuf with whatever values you want, then call
semop(), like this:
    int semop(int semid ,struct sembuf *sops, unsigned int nsops);
The semid argument is the number obtained from the call
to semget().  Next is sops, which is a pointer
to the struct sembuf that you filled with your
semaphore commands.  If you want, though, you can make an array of
struct sembufs in order to do a whole bunch of
semaphore operations at the same time.  The way semop() knows
that you're doing this is the nsop argument, which tells
how many struct sembufs you're sending it.  If you
only have one, well, put 1 as this argument.
One field in the struct sembuf that I haven't
mentioned is the sem_flg field which allows the program to
specify flags the further modify the effects of the semop()
One of these flags is IPC_NOWAIT which, as the name suggests,
causes the call to semop() to return with error EAGAIN
if it encounters a situation where it would normally block.  This is
good for situations where you might want to "poll" to see if you can
allocate a resource.
Another very useful flag is the SEM_UNDO flag.  This causes
semop() to record, in a way, the change made to the semaphore.
When the program exits, the kernel will automatically undo all changes
that were marked with the SEM_UNDO flag.  Of course, your
program should do its best to deallocate any resources it marks using
the semaphore, but sometimes this isn't possible when your program gets
a SIGKILL or some other awful crash happens.
Destroying a semaphore
There are two ways to get rid of a semaphore: one is to use the Unix
command ipcrm.  The other is through a call to
semctl() with the proper arguments.
Now, I'm trying to compile this code under both Linux and HPUX, but I've
found the the system calls differ.  Linux passes a union
semun to semctl(), but HPUX just uses a variable
argument list in its place.  I'll try to keep code clear for both, but
I'll favor the Linux-style, since it is what is described in Steven's
Unix Network Programming book.
Here is the Linux-style union semun, along with
the semctl() call that will destroy the semaphore:
    union semun {
        int val;              /* used for SETVAL only */
        struct semid_ds *buf; /* for IPC_STAT and IPC_SET */
        ushort *array;        /* used for GETALL and SETALL */
    int semctl(int semid, int semnum, int cmd, union semun arg);
Notice that union semun just provides a way to
pass either an int, a struct semid_ds, or
a pointer to a ushort.  It is this flexibility that the HPUX
version of semctl() achieves with a variable argument list:
    int semctl(int semid, int semnum, int cmd, ... /*arg*/);
In HPUX, instead of passing in a union semun, you
just pass whatever value it asks for (int or otherwise).  Check
the man page for more information about your specific system.  However,
the code from here on out is Linux-style.
Where were we?  Oh yeah--destroying a semaphore.  Basically, you want to
set semid to the semaphore ID you want to axe.  The
cmd should be set to IPC_RMID, which tells
semctl() to remove this semaphore set.  The two parameters
semnum and arg have no meaning in the
IPC_RMID context and can be set to anything.
Here's an example call to torch a semaphore set:
    union semun dummy;
    int semid;
    semid = semget(...);
    semctl(semid, 0, IPC_RMID, dummy);
Easy peasy.
When you first create some semaphores, they're all initialized to zero.
This is bad, since that means they're all marked as allocated; it takes
another call (either to semop() or semctl() to mark
them as free.  What does this mean?  Well, it means that creation of a
semaphore is not atomic (in other words, a one-step process).  If
two processes are trying to create, initialize, and use a semaphore at
the same time, a race condition might develop.
I get around this problem in the sample code by having a single process
that creates and initializes the semaphore.  The main process just
accesses it, but never creates or destroys it.
Just be on the lookout.  Stevens refers to this as the semaphore's
"fatal flaw".
Sample programs
There are three of them, all of which will compile under Linux (and HPUX
with modification).  The first, seminit.c, creates and
initializes the semaphore.  The second, semdemo.c, performs
some pretend file locking using the semaphore, in a demo very much like
that in the
File Locking
document.  Finally,
semrm.c is used to destroy the semaphore (again, ipcrm
could be used to accomplish this.)
The idea is to run seminit.c to create the semaphore.  Try
using ipcs from the command line to verify that it exists.
Them run semdemo.c in a couple of windows and see how they
interact.  Finally, use semrm.c to remove the semaphore.  You
could also try removing the semaphore while running semdemo.c
just to see what kinds of errors are generated.
(run this first!):
    int main(void)
        key_t key;
        int semid;
        union semun arg;
        if ((key = ftok("semdemo.c", 'J')) == -1) {
        /* create a semaphore set with 1 semaphore: */
        if ((semid = semget(key, 1, 0666 | IPC_CREAT)) == -1) {
        /* initialize semaphore #0 to 1: */
        arg.val = 1;
        if (semctl(semid, 0, SETVAL, arg) == -1) {
        return 0;
    int main(void)
        key_t key;
        int semid;
        struct sembuf sb = {0, -1, 0};  /* set to allocate resource */
        if ((key = ftok("semdemo.c", 'J')) == -1) {
        /* grab the semaphore set created by seminit.c: */
        if ((semid = semget(key, 1, 0)) == -1) {
        printf("Press return to lock: ");
        printf("Trying to lock...\n");
        if (semop(semid, &sb, 1) == -1) {
        printf("Press return to unlock: ");
        sb.sem_op = 1; /* free resource */
        if (semop(semid, &sb, 1) == -1) {
        return 0;
    int main(void)
        key_t key;
        int semid;
        union semun arg;
        if ((key = ftok("semdemo.c", 'J')) == -1) {
        /* grab the semaphore set created by seminit.c: */
        if ((semid = semget(key, 1, 0)) == -1) {
        /* remove it: */
        if (semctl(semid, 0, IPC_RMID, arg) == -1) {
        return 0;
Isn't that fun!  I'm sure you'll give up Quake just to play with this
semaphore stuff all day long!
Hmmm.  I think I've understated the usefulness of semaphores.  I assure
you, they're very very very useful in a concurrency situation.  They're
often faster than regular file locks, too.  Also, you can use them on
other things that aren't files, such as Shared Memory
Segments!  In fact, it is sometimes hard to live without them, quite
Whenever you have multiple processes running through a critical section
of code, man, you need semaphores.  You have zillions of them--you might
as well use 'em.
HPUX man pages
If you don't run HPUX, be sure to check your local man pages!

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Copyright © 1997 by Brian "Beej" Hall.  This guide may be
reprinted in any medium provided that its content is not altered, it is
presented in its entirety, and this copyright notice remains
intact.  Contact
more information.


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