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linux kernel 相关的一些链接[转] [复制链接]

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发表于 2007-06-10 17:06 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

* The latest version of this document may be found at:  


The need for a document like this one became apparent in the linux-kernel  
mailing list as the same questions, asking for pointers to information,  
appeared again and again.  

Fortunately, as more and more people get to GNU/Linux, more and more get  
interested in the Kernel. But reading the sources is not always enough. It is  
easy to understand the code, but miss the concepts, the philosophy and design  
decisions behind this  

Unfortunately, not many documents are available for beginners to start. And,  
even if they exist, there was no "well-known" place which kept track of them.  
These lines try to cover this lack. All documents available on line known by  
the author are  
listed, while some reference books are also mentioned.  

PLEASE, if you know any paper not listed here or write a new document, send  
me an e-mail, and I'll include a reference to it here. Any corrections, ideas  
or comments are also welcomed.  

The papers that follow are listed in no particular order. All are cataloged  
with the following fields: the document's "Title", the "Author"/s, the "URL"  
where they can be found, some "Keywords" helpful when searching for specific  
topics, and a brief  
"Description" of the Document.  



Title: "The Linux Kernel"
Author: David A. Rusling.

Keywords: everything!, book.
Description: On line, 200 pages book describing most aspects of the Linux  
Kernel. Probably, the first reference for beginners. Lots of illustrations  
explaining data structures use and relationships in the purest Richard W.  
Stevens' style. Contents:  
"1.-Hardware Basics, 2.-Software Basics, 3.-Memory Management, 4.-Processes,  
5.-Interprocess Communication Mechanisms, 6.-PCI, 7.-Interrupts and Interrupt  
Handling, 8.-Device Drivers, 9.-The File system, 10.-Networks, 11.-Kernel  
12.-Modules, 13.-The Linux Kernel Sources, A.-Linux Data Structures, B.-The  
Alpha AXP Processor, C.-Useful Web and FTP Sites, D.-The GNU General Public  
License, Glossary". In short: a must have.  

Title: "The Linux Kernel Hackers' Guide"
Author: Michael K.Johnson and others.

Keywords: everything!
Description: No more Postscript book-like version. Only HTML now. Many people  
have contributed. The interface is similar to web available mailing lists  
archives. You can find some articles and then some mails asking questions  
about them and/or  
complementing previous contributions. A little bit anarchic in this aspect,  
but with some valuable information in some cases.  

Title: "Conceptual Architecture of the Linux Kernel"
Author: Ivan T. Bowman.

Keywords: conceptual software arquitecture, extracted design, reverse  
engineering, system structure.
Description: Conceptual software arquitecture of the Linux kernel,  
automatically extracted from the source code. Very detailed. Good figures.  
Gives good overall kernel understanding.  

Title: "Concrete Architecture of the Linux Kernel"
Author: Ivan T. Bowman, Saheem Siddiqi, and Meyer C. Tanuan.

Keywords: concrete arquitecture, extracted design, reverse engineering,  
system structure, dependencies.
Description: Concrete arquitecture of the Linux kernel, automatically  
extracted from the source code. Very detailed. Good figures. Gives good  
overall kernel understanding. This papers focus on lower details than its  
predecessor (files, variables...).  

Title: "Linux as a Case Study: Its Extracted Software Architecture"
Author: Ivan T. Bowman, Richard C. Holt and Neil V. Brewster.
URL: <A href="http://plg.uwaterloo.

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