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C++ tutorial for C users [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2007-05-21 14:37 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
There is a new way to #include
libraries (the
old method still works yet the compiler roars).
The .h extension is no more written and the names of standard
C libraries are written beginning with a c. In order for the
program to use these libraries correctly using
namespace std;

has to be added:

using namespace std;
#include         // This is a key C++ library
#include cmath>           // The standard C library math.h
int main ()
   double a;
   a = 1.2;
   a = sin (a);
   cout g++ test01.cpp -o test01
To run the binary executable file test01 that has been produced
by the compilation (if there were no errors), type this:
Input from keyboard and output to screen can be
performed through cout >;

using namespace std;
void main()
   int a;                    // a is an integer variable
   char s [100];             // s points to a string of max 99 characters
   cout end of line)
   cout cin >> a;
   cout > s;
   cout cout "Hello " s " you're " a " old."
A global variable can be accessed even if another
variable with the same name has been declared inside the function:
using namespace std;
double a = 128;
int main ()
   double a = 256;
   cout ::a using namespace std;
int main ()
   double a = 3.1415927;
   double &b = a;                            // b is a
   b = 89;
Namespaces can be declared.
The variables declared within a namespace can be used thanks to the ::
using namespace std;
namespace first
   int a;
   int b;
namespace second
   double a;
   double b;
int main ()
   first::a = 2;
   first::b = 5;
   second::a = 6.453;
   second::b = 4.1e4;
   cout using namespace std;
int main ()
   int a, b;
   cout > a;
   cout try   {      if (a > 100) throw 100;      if (a       throw a / 3;   }   catch (int result)   {      cout       b = result + 1;   }
   cout try   {      if (a == 0) throw zero;      if ((a / 2) * 2 == a) throw pair;      for (int i = 3; i       {         if ((a / i) * i == a) throw notprime;      }      throw prime;   }   catch (char *conclusion)   {      cout    }
The OPERATORS OVERLOAD can be used to define the
basic symbolic operators for new sorts of parameters:
using namespace std;
struct vector
   double x;
   double y;
vector operator * (double a, vector b)
   vector r;
   r.x = a * b.x;
   r.y = a * b.y;
   return r;
int main ()
   vector k, m;              // No need to type "struct vector"
   k.x =  2;                 // To be able to write
   k.y = -1;                 // k = vector (2, -1)
                             // see chapter 19.
   m = 3.1415927 * k;        // Magic!
struct vector
   double x;
   double y;
ostream& operator {   o    return o;}
int main ()
   vector a;
   a.x = 35;
   a.y = 23;
template ttype minimum (ttype a, ttype b){   ttype r;   r = a;   if (b    return r;}
int main ()
   int i1, i2, i3;
   i1 = 34;
   i2 = 6;
   i3 = minimum (i1, i2);
   cout double d1, d2, d3;
   d1 = 7.9;
   d2 = 32.1;
   d3 = minimum (d1, d2);
   cout minimum (d3, 3.5) using namespace std;
type1 minimum (type1 a, type2 b)
   type1 r, b_converted;
   r = a;
   b_converted = (type1) b;
   if (b_converted struct
just contains data. In C++ a struct definition can also include
functions. Those functions are own to the struct and are meant to
operate on the data of the struct. Those functions are called METHODS.
Example below defines the method surface()
on the struct vector:
using namespace std;
struct vector
   double x;
   double y;
   double surface ()   {      double s;      s = x * y;      if (s       return s;   }
int main ()
   vector a;
   a.x = 3;
   a.y = 4;
   cout a.surface() using namespace std;
class array
   int size;
   double *data;
   array (int s)
      size = s;
      data = new double ;
   ~array ()
      delete [] data;
   double &operator [] (int i)   {      if (i = size)      {         cerr          exit (EXIT_FAILURE);      }      else return data ;   }
int main ()
   array t (5);
   t[0] = 45;                       // OK
   t[4] = t[0] + 6;                 // OK
   cout t[4] t[10] = 7;                       // error!
   return 0;
Here is an example of a full class declaration:
using namespace std;
class vector
   double x;
   double y;
   vector (double = 0, double = 0);
   vector operator + (vector);
   vector operator - (vector);
   vector operator - ();
   vector operator * (double a);
   double module();
   void set_length (double = 1);
vector::vector (double a, double b)
   x = a;
   y = b;
vector vector::operator + (vector a)
   return vector (x + a.x, y + a.y);
vector vector::operator - (vector a)
   return vector (x - a.x, y - a.y);
vector vector::operator - ()
   return vector (-x, -y);
vector vector::operator * (double a)
   return vector (x * a, y * a);
double vector::module()
   return sqrt (x * x + y * y);
void vector::set_length (double a)
   double length = this->module();
   x = x / length * a;
   y = y / length * a;
ostream& operator vector operator + (vector a, vector b)
   return vector (a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y);
In the example above of a full class definition, the multiplication
of a vector by a double is defined. Suppose we want the multiplication
of a double by a vector be defined too. Then we must write an isolated
function outside the class:
vector operator * (double a, vector b)
   return vector (a * b.x, a * b.y);
Of course the keywords new and delete work for
class instances too. What's more, new automatically calls the
constructor in order to initialize the objects, and delete
automatically calls the destructor before deallocating the zone of
memory the instance variables take:
Let's talk about input/output. In C++ that's a
very broad subject.
Here is a program that writes to a file:
using namespace std;
int main ()
   fstream f;
   f.open("c:\\test.txt", ios::out);
Here is a program that reads from a file:
using namespace std;
int main ()
   fstream f;
   char c;


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