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MMS Notification 解析 [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2006-11-15 13:25 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

  MMS Notification Short Message

        Length of the SMSC
        Service center number,
  (see Ref 1)
        First octet of this
        SMS-DELIVER message.
        Length Of the Sender
        Sender number,
        TP-DCS ( 8 bit
        TimeStamp: Wed Oct 25
        23:59:53 CST 2006
  (see Ref 1)
        UDHL (user data header
        Information Element
        Application port addressing
        16 bit.
        Information element
  (see Ref 2)
        Transaction ID
        PDU Type: Push
        Length of Content type +
        Content type: (8 bit
        encoding of)
        Push Flag: 87
  (see Ref 3)
        05 81 0302A300
        Expiry + Length +
        Relative-token + Delta-secs:
        54.8 hour?
        16 80 353535353136303130332
        From + Length +
        Msg-Size: 269
  (see Ref 4)
  Multimedia Messaging Service - An
  Engineering Approach to MMS
  6.2.2 Message
  5.2 Building an MMS
  Ref 1: ETSI TS 123 040
  Technical realization of SMS Address
  fields SMS-DELIVER
  Ref 2: Wireless Datagram
  Protocol Specification
  6.3 Mapping of WDP for GSM
  Appendix B. Port Number
  Ref 3: Wireless Session
  Protocol Specification
  8.2.1 PDU Common
  Appendix A Assigned
  Numbers Push and
  8.4.2 Header
  Ref 4: wap209 MMS
  Encapsulcation Protocol
  7. Binary Encoding of
  hppyhjh@tom.com » 20061115

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