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Basic LINUX/UNIX Commands [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2006-10-18 16:53 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

Basic LINUX/UNIX Commands
  • startx (start X-windows)
  • exit (to exit completely once you have exit the windows
  • ls (lists the files of the current directory or other
  • cd (change directory to home directory)
      e.g. If your home directory is /u/ugrad/mikep and you execute
      the command cd from another directory
      in the system, you'll be returned to /u/ugrad/mikep
  • cd directory-name (change directory to directory-name)
  • mkdir directory-name (creates an new directory with
      name directory-name)
      e.g. mkdir work (create directory with name work)
            cd work (change directory to work)
  • mv file1 file2 (move file1 to file2,
      same as rename)
      e.g. mv file1 cs111 (move file1 to subdirectory cs111)
  • rm file1 (remove file1, [color="#ff00ff"]be careful:
      once removed, is removed)
  • rm -i file1 (remove file, but it will ask for confirmation)
  • whois gives information about a domain.
      e.g. whois gate.net
  • whoami (display username)
  • whereis command-name (returns the path of command-name)
  • man command-name (prints how command-name works)
  • hostname (prints the hostname)
  • cp file1 file2 (copies file1 to file2)
  • pwd (prints the working directory, i.e. "where
      we are")
  • pico prog1.c (use the pico text editor to modify
      prog1.c; emacs, and vi can be used also)
  • gcc prog1.c (compile prog1.c, the executable
      is a.out), cc instead of gcc should also work.
  • gcc -o prog1 prog1.c (same as above but the name of
      the executable is prog1)
  • ./prog1 (run prog1; it should be used when
      just the name of the executable is not enough)


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