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Xgl 问题解决 [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2006-08-11 09:14 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

1 问题解决
1.1 一般配置错误
1.2 软件问题
1.3 ATI / 开源驱动 "radeon"
1.4 ATI / 专有驱动 "fglrx"
1.5 Intel / 开源驱动 "i810"
1.6 NVIDIA / open source driver "nv"
1.7 NVIDIA / proprietary driver "nvidia"
2 Glossary
Xgl 目前是高度实验性的代码,它仅在少数硬件上测试过,而且依赖于驱动状况,所以可能在你机器上崩溃。但也不是说这些代码就是为了让你晕厥,它的确在很多平台上表现出色。
更多关于 Xgl 的一般性信息,请看
Xgl 概览


  • Xgl 需要在 xorg.conf 中启用 - 而且事实上这是有害的,比如 NVIDIA 驱动 Composite 打开时默认禁用 OpenGL。 Xgl 本身提供了 Composite 扩展,无须任何配置。
    如果你启动compiz时得到一个关于找不到 Composite 扩展的错误,你可能是试图在 Xorg server(除了启动xgl别的程序都不该用到它) 上打开 Composite,而不是在 Xgl server上。你可以相应设置 DISPLAY 变量。


  • SDL 的一个 bug 让 SDL 程序透明。
    先命令行 'export XLIB_SKIP_ARGB_VISUALS=1' 再启动 SDL 程序,消除透明。这是个临时解决方案。

===一般由硬件引起的问题===* 如果硬件加速(pixel shaders)不可用,XVideo 会很慢。如果使用一个复合管理器,只有 FBO 或 pBuffer 可用且激活时才会快, 或者使用不透明全屏窗口,钩选 apps/compiz/general/screen0/options/unredirect_fullscreen_windows打开。
ATI / 开源驱动 "radeon"

  • 驱动没有 pBuffer 和 FBO 支持。 使用复合管理器时软件渲染所有窗口,只有复合是硬件加速的。令人吃惊的是,大多情况下它工作的很好。
  • R300 和 R400 支持目前仍是实验性的,有些显卡可以,有些不行。
  • 可能有其他问题,这个驱动没有大规模测试过。报告bug请仅针对基于 R100 和 R200 的显卡,在
    页说明 R300 和 R400 显卡的工作情况。

ATI / 专有驱动 "fglrx"

  • X300, X600, 和 X700 只有在 /etc/X11/xorg.conf 里面有 Option "KernelModuleParm" "agplock=0" 才工作。(见
    openSUSE bugzilla entry #161247
  • Starting Xgl by default with DISPLAYMANAGER_XSERVER will not work with current drivers including 8.23.7, because 'DISPLAY=:93 Xgl :0' wrongly tries to XOpenDisplay (:0.0) due to a xglQueryVersion, and as the Xgl's server port is already open, the connection does not immediately fail. This is a deadlock. ATI has been investigating, a fix is pending (see
    openSUSE bugzilla entry #129999
    If you are using gdm, the problem can be worked around by changing the line 0=Standard to 1=Standard in /etc/opt/gnome/gdm/gdm.conf. You can also start Xgl manually by yourself. Log into the system with a trivial window manager (e.g. twm), open an xterm, and start Xgl -fullscreen :1 & sleep 2 && DISPLAY=:1 kde
    Substitute kde by gnome or fvwm2 or your other favorite desktop you would like to start.
  • When no composite manager (e.g. compiz) is running, the driver can be pretty slow. Do not use Xgl without a composite manager.

Intel / 开源驱动 "i810"

  • Driver has neither pBuffer nor FBO support. When using a composite manager all windows are rendered in software and only compositing is hardware accelerated. Astonishingly, this works well enough for most use cases. FBO support is supposed to be added to the driver in the near future.
  • XVideo YV12 surfaces are hardware accelerated (when no composite manager is used or for fullscreen unredirected windows), but due to a bug in the driver the video will miss one of the color channels, leading to false greenish/purple colors. This has to be investigated.

NVIDIA / open source driver "nv"

  • Does not support 3D acceleration at all. Xgl will not work well with software emulation, refrain from using this combination.

NVIDIA / proprietary driver "nvidia"

  • OpenGL acceleration does not work well with Composite being active. This option in /etc/X11/xorg.conf should be disabled if it had been enabled before. Note: Xgl supports Composite anyway, even if it is disabled in xorg.conf. FBO's can be used with this driver instead of pbuffers for XVideo acceleration. Enable this by changing
    DISPLAYMANAGER_XGL_OPTS="-accel glx:pbuffer -accel xv:pbuffer" to
    DISPLAYMANAGER_XGL_OPTS="-accel glx:pbuffer -accel xv:fbo" in /etc/sysconfig/displaymanager.
  • The NVIDIA driver installer typically removes all libglx.so in /usr/X11R6, including /usr/X11R6/lib/xorg/modules/xgl/libglx.so -- which is part of the xgl package. Thus you currently have to reinstall xgl after installing the NVIDIA driver.

Composite Extension
This extension to X causes an entire sub-tree of the window hierarchy to be rendered to an off-screen buffer. Applications can then take the contents of that buffer and do whatever they like. The off-screen buffer can be automatically merged into the parent window or merged by external programs, called compositing managers.
Frame Buffer Object (FBO) is an OpenGL extension that defines a simple interface for drawing to rendering destinations other than the buffers provided to the GL by the window system. This interface is newer and cleaner than pBuffers, but considered less stable at the moment.
Pixel buffers (pBuffers for short) are additional non-visible rendering buffers for an OpenGL renderer.

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