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源代码安装mplayer [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2006-07-21 09:40 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

我的fedora core 5安装好之后,yum不能用,rpm同理也不能用!似乎是缺少验证和关联性的东西,依赖性基本检测不出来!真正的、详细的毛病,或许等我闲暇是才能搞明白!累!每天在单位用电脑,晚上回去我只想待在床上!星期天是个好机会,所以我下了Mplayer,1.0per8+essintal codes+chinesefonts.也许明天在家就可以把包含音乐的目录一设置,无需像Realplayer那样听mp3要一首一首的点,还有就是可以播放任意的格式!avi、wma、mov等。
祝自己好运 !
顺便附上mplayer installtion readme! i 'll enjoy it.
Welcome to MPlayer, The Movie Player. MPlayer can play most standard video
formats out of the box and almost all others with the help of external codecs.
MPlayer currently works best from the command line, but visual feedback for
many functions is available from its onscreen status display (OSD), which is
also used for displaying subtitles. MPlayer also has a GUI with skin support and
several unofficial alternative graphical frontends are available.
MEncoder is a command line video encoder for advanced users that can be built
from the MPlayer source tree. An unofficial graphical frontend exists but is
not included.
This document is for getting you started in a few minutes. It cannot answer all
of your questions. If you have problems, please read the documentation in
DOCS/HTML/en/index.html, which should help you solve most of your problems.
Also read the man page to learn how to use MPlayer.
- You need a working development environment that can compile programs.
  On popular Linux distributions, this means having the glibc development
  package(s) installed.
- To compile MPlayer with X11 support, you need to have the X Window System
  development packages (like for XFree86 or X.Org) installed.
- For the GUI you need the libpng and GTK 1.2 development packages.
Before you start...
Unless you know what are you doing, consult DOCS/HTML/en/video.html to see
which driver to use with your video card to get the best quality and
performance. Most cards require special drivers not included with XFree86 to
drive their 2-D video acceleration features like YUV and scaling.
A quick and incomplete list of recommendations:
- ATI cards: Get the GATOS drivers for X11/Xv or use VIDIX.
- Matrox G200/G4x0/G550: Compile and use mga_vid for Linux, on BSD use VIDIX.
- 3dfx Voodoo3/Banshee: Get XFree86 4.2.0+ for Xv or use the tdfxfb driver.
- nVidia cards: Get the X11 driver from www.nvidia.com for Xv support.
- NeoMagic cards: Get an Xv capable driver from our homepage as described in
Without accelerated video even an 800MHz P3 may be too slow to play DVDs.
STEP0: Getting MPlayer
Official releases and Subversion snapshots, as well as fonts for the OSD, codec
packages and a number of different skins for the GUI are available from the
download section of our homepage at
A set of fonts is necessary for the OSD and subtitles unless you are using
TrueType fonts, the GUI needs at least one skin and codec packages add support
for some more video and audio formats. MPlayer does not come with any of these
by default, you have to download and install them separately.
You can also get MPlayer via Subversion. Issue the following commands to get
the latest sources:
  svn checkout svn://svn.mplayerhq.hu/mplayer/trunk mplayer
A directory named 'mplayer' will be created. It will include all necessary
FFmpeg libraries, you don't need to get them separately as was the case in
the past. You can later update your sources by saying
  svn update
from within that directory.
STEP1: Installing Binary Codecs
MPlayer has builtin support for the most common audio and video
formats, but some formats require external codecs. Examples include Real, Indeo
and QuickTime audio formats. Support for Windows Media formats except WMV9
exists but still has some bugs, your mileage may vary. This step is not
mandatory, but recommended for getting MPlayer to play a broader range of
formats. Please note that most codecs only work on Intel x86 compatible PCs.
Unpack the codecs archives and put the contents in a directory where MPlayer
will find them. The default directory is /usr/local/lib/codecs/ (it used to be
/usr/local/lib/win32 in the past, this also works) but you can change that to
something else by using the '--with-codecsdir=DIR' option when you run
STEP2: Configuring MPlayer
MPlayer can be adapted to all kinds of needs and hardware environments. Run
to configure MPlayer with the default options. The codecs you installed above
should be autodetected. GUI support has to be enabled separately, run
  ./configure --enable-gui
if you want to use the GUI.
If something does not work as expected, try
  ./configure --help
to see the available options and select what you need.
The configure script prints a summary of enabled and disabled options. If you
have something installed that configure fails to detect, check the file
configure.log for errors and reasons for the failure. Repeat this step until
you are satisfied with the enabled feature set.
STEP3: Compiling MPlayer
Now you can start the compilation by typing
You can install MPlayer with
  make install
provided that you have write permission in the installation directory.
If all went well, you can run MPlayer by typing 'mplayer'. A help screen with a
summary of the most common options and keyboard shortcuts should be displayed.
If you get 'unable to load shared library' or similar errors, run
'ldd ./mplayer' to check which libraries fail and go back to STEP 3 to fix it.
Sometimes running 'ldconfig' is enough to fix the problem.
NOTE: If you run Debian you can configure, compile and build a proper Debian
.deb package with only one command:
  fakeroot debian/rules binary
If you want to pass custom options to configure, you can set up the
DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS environment variable. For instance, if you want GUI
and OSD menu support you would use:
  DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS="--enable-gui --enable-menu" fakeroot debian/rules binary
You can also pass some variables to the Makefile. For example, if you want
to compile with gcc 3.4 even if it's not the default compiler:
  CC=gcc-3.4 DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS="--enable-gui" fakeroot debian/rules binary
To clean up the source tree run the following command:
  fakeroot debian/rules clean

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