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Permission denied [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2006-03-25 20:40 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
机器装上Red Hat Linux 9.0到今日已经有一周时间了,在这段时间内,只是看着书跟着上面的shell命令照本宣科,依样画葫芦。以前没有接触过Linux操作系统,所以脑子里对其是空的,可能正是这样,自我感觉在这一周内学得还算多的。但是,昨天在学习shell命令chmod(改变文件或目录的权限)时,对我的主目录/home/clifford进行了$chmod -R 644 ./newdocu,-R该选项是用于一次改变一个目录结构中所有文件和目录的许可权限。后来,又进行了$chmod -R 644 /home/clifford,644对应的是文件拥有者clifford有对该文件及其目录下读和写的权限,而和cliffod同一组的用户以及其他用户者只能对文件拥有读取的权限,当时又继续练习了些其它的命令。
                          Please contact your system administrator to resolve the following problem:
    Could not open or create the file "home/clifford/.gconf-test-locking-file";this indicates that
    there may be a problem with your configuration,as many programs will need to creat files in your
    home directory.The erro was"Permission denied"(errno=13).
        I've been using Linux at home pretty steadily for three years. For the past
three months it's been Red Hat 9 which I like the best so far. But suddenly
I've got a problem. I can log on as root. But when I try to log on as a
user, I get this: "could not open or create file
Apparently it has to do with permissions. The user "steve" is UID 500. But
the folder /home/steve is owned by 501 ! Huh. I logged on as root and
changed the folder to UID 500. But it still didn't work. A search in
Google seemed to show that others had run into this, but I couldn't find the
Any help would be appreciated.
其贴后有叫paul Lutus回道:
Use your head(原文对一叫Jeffrey的说的,此人建议以根用户进入系统,要么修改文件.gconf-test-locking-file的拥有权要么删除该文件as root, either chown /home/steve/.gconf-test-locking-file or rm it.
). Why can't a process owned by steve create a file in the steve
directory? Look at the directory's permissions and ownership.
And avoid the use of numbers for group and owner designations as much as
possible. Use the names of users and groups as much as you can. It prevents
the kind of confusion you are experiencing right now.
It's obvious that you changed the ownership or permissions on the directory
in question. Just change it back.
接着就是steve回复说是问题解决,原因释道:it was a simple ownership/permission issue.

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