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用 SuSE Linux Rescue Mode 恢复超级用户口令 [复制链接]

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发表于 2005-06-29 10:38 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
用 SuSE Linux Rescue Mode 恢复超级用户口令
5.4. The SUSE Rescue System
  SUSE LINUX contains a rescue system for accessing your Linux partitions from
  the outside in the event of an emergency. The rescue system can be loaded
  from CD, the network, or the SUSE FTP server. The rescue system includes
  several help programs with which you can remedy large problems with
  inaccessible hard disks, misconfigured configuration files, or other similar

  Another component of the rescue system is Parted,
  which is used for resizing partitions. This program can be launched
  from within the rescue system, if you do not want to use
  the resizer integrated in YaST. Information about
  Parted can be found at

5.4.1. Starting the Rescue System
   Boot your system as you would for installation.  Select ‘Rescue
   System’ from the boot menu.  The rescue system is then
   decompressed, loaded onto a RAM disk as a new root file system, mounted, and
5.4.2. Working with the Rescue System
   Under Alt-F1 to
   Alt-F3, the rescue
   system provides three virtual consoles.
   You can log in as root
   without a password. Press Alt-F10
   to enter the system console displaying the kernel and
   syslog messages.
   A shell and many other useful utilities, such as the
   mount program, can be found in the
   /bin directory. The sbin
   directory contains important file and network utilities for
   reviewing and repairing the file system, including
    reiserfsck and
   This directory also contains the most important binaries for system
   maintenance, such as fdisk, mkfs, mkswap, mount, mount,
   init, and shutdown, and ifconfig,
   route, and netstat for
   maintaining the network.
   The directory /usr/bin contains the
   vi editor, grep,
   find, less,
   and telnet. Accessing Your Normal System
    To mount your SUSE LINUX system using the rescue system, use the mount
    point /mnt. You can also use or create another
    The following example demonstrates the procedure for
    a system with the /etc/fstab details
    shown in
Example 5.1, “Example /etc/fstab”
Example 5.1. Example /etc/fstab
/dev/sdb5    swap   swap    defaults   0   0
/dev/sdb3    /      ext2    defaults   1   1
/dev/sdb6    /usr   ext2    defaults   1   2

     Pay attention to the order of steps outlined in the following section for
     mounting the various devices.
    To access your entire system, mount it step by step in the
    /mnt directory using the following commands:
mount /dev/sdb3 /mnt
mount /dev/sdb6 /mnt/usr
    Now, access your entire system and, for example, correct mistakes
    in configuration files, such as /etc/fstab,
    /etc/passwd, and
    /etc/inittab. The configuration files are now located
    in the /mnt/etc directory instead of in
    Before recovering lost partitions with the
    fdisk program by simply
    setting them up again,
    make a printout of /etc/fstab
    and the output of fdisk -l. Repairing File Systems
Damaged file systems are tricky problems for the rescue system.
    Generally, file systems cannot be repaired on a running
    system. If you encounter serious problems, you may not even be able
    to mount your root file system and the system boot may end with
    kernel panic. In this case, the
    only way is to repair the system from the outside
    using a rescue system.
    The SUSE LINUX rescue system contains the utilities
    e2fsck, and dumpe2fs
    (for diagnosis). These should remedy most problems.
    In an emergency, man pages often are not available. For this
    reason, they are
    included in this manual in
Section B.1, “Manual Page of reiserfsck”
Section B.2, “Manual Page of e2fsck”
    If mounting an ext2 file system fails due to an
    superblock, the e2fsck program would probably
    fail, too. If this were the case, your superblock may be corrupted, too.
    There are copies of the superblock located every 8192 blocks (8193, 16385,
    etc.). If your superblock is corrupted, try one of the copies instead. This
    is accomplished by entering the command e2fsck -f -b 8193
     /dev/damaged_partition. The -f option forces
    the file system check and overrides e2fsck's
    error so that, because the superblock copy is intact, everything is fine.

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