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★★ 上海外企急聘: C++ DM(Technical Manager) [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2011-05-06 10:35 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
C++ Technical Manager

Open Position:    1
Location:        Shanghai

Company:          Dextrys
Department:       Avid
Line of Business: Avid Shared Storage
Job type:         full time
Education level:  MS/PhD
Experience:       7+ years
Supervisor:       Program Manager of Avid Projects


Solution Architect communicates with a customer (Shared Storage Department in Avid company) to understand their requirements, proposes design solutions and leads their implementations in offshore China team, provides technical expertise and serves as a technical mentor for other team members.


-        Be a primary contact point for customer to discuss any technical questions;
-        Collect technical requirements from customer and present them to offshore team in a comprehensive way;
-        Analyze requirements, propose design solutions, agree them with customer and explain to the team;
-        Develop prototypes to prove, or verify the design approach, when necessary;
-        Work with customer and team leadership to plan the work and allocate resources;
-        Monitor the development process, identify risks, report problems during meetings; work with team and customer to resolve them;
-        Work together with team to provide the highest quality of all deliverables, including code review and code style recommendations, test case review and test results analysis;
-        Ensure the consistency of all software parts (e.g. from UI prospective), provide re-use of design and source code elements;
-        Help team leadership to maintain the Agile development process, participate in SCRUM meetings;
-        Help Software Engineers to implement complicated tasks;
-        Help organize product and technology trainings to ensure the professional development of team;
-        Participate in recruiting efforts, interview Senior candidates; help Program Manager to plan staffing;


-        Wide IT experience; familiarity with most existing and emerging technologies;
-        Excellent understanding of development process and entire software life cycle;
-        Strong software development background (preferably with C and C++);
-        Experience in software design (using UML);
-        Previous experience of work as an architect, a system analyst, or a team leader;
-        Creative thinking; ability to present complicated things in plain words;
-        Good multitasking skills;
-        Excellent communication skills; fluent in English and Mandarin (desirable);
-        Familiarity with Avid Shared Storage, or other Avid products (desirable);

Technologies used:

-        Multi-platform and cross-platform software development (C/C++; Windows, Mac OS, Linux);
-        Distributed systems;
-        TCP/IP, UDP and proprietary communication protocols;
-        Embedded soft real-time systems;
-        File system drivers (Windows, Mac OS, Linux);
-        Web services;

Avid Shared Storage products:

-        ISIS 7000 (ISIS Classic, aka Unity ISIS);
-        ISIS 5000 (Stingray, Megalon, Gigan);
-        Unity MediaNetwork;


Best regards!

         belinda (Senior Consultant)

ShangHai wide-keen Consulting co.,Ltd.
Te    l: +86-21-52731690-803
Msn  :  wqbelinda@hotmail.com

2 [报告]
发表于 2011-05-06 13:42 |只看该作者

3 [报告]
发表于 2011-05-06 17:06 |只看该作者
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