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联发科(成都)招聘Linux下驱动开发人员 [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2011-06-13 11:35 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
-          I/O周邊的驅動程式設計開發
-          IC與 FPGA驗證工作
-          I/O測試工具與測試程序開發
-          模擬環境與系統模型建置
-          相關應用軟體整合與發行
工作需求: (must)
-          資訊/電子/電機等相關科系研究所畢業
-          精通程式設計語言,如C/C++ /Assembly
-          具嵌入式系統或即時作業系統開發經驗者,如Nucleus PLUS/Embedded Linux/Android/WinCE/Windows Mobile
-          具 ARM平台週邊驅動開發經驗者,如USB2/3, SDIO, I2C, Ethernet, NAND,...
工作需求: (nice to have)
-          熟悉 Windows, Linux, 或MAC OS上驅動程式開發者佳
-          熟悉IC開發流程及IC驗証工作者佳
-          熟悉 USB 2.0/3.0, Ethernet 或 SDIO等介面規格與協定者佳
-          具 System modeling, ESL, and SystemC 相關經驗者佳
-          2-5年相關工作經驗

Job Title: I/O Peripheral Firmware and Software Engineer
Job Function: Software & Firmware Development
-          Develop drivers for I/O peripherals, like USB, Ethernet, SDIO, and etc.
-          Verify the I/O blocks during FPGA and IC development
-          Develop testing tools and utilities
-          Build-up system simulation environment and models
-          Integrate, release and support related application software
-          MS or above with major in Computer Science or EE related fields
-          Good at programming, such as C/C++/Assembly
-          Hands-on experience in RTOS and embedded system development is required, such as Nucleus PLUS//Embedded Linux/Android/WinCE/Windows Mobile
-          Experience in ARM platform and related driver development, such as USB/SDIO/I2C/Ethernet/NAND...,etc
Nice to have:
-          Familiar with driver development on Windows, Linux, MAC OS
-          Familiar with IC design process and IC verification
-          Familiar with one of USB 2.0/3.0, Ethernet, or SDIO spec and protocol
-          Experience in system modeling (ESL/SystemC) is a plus
-          2- 5 years of relevant working experience
Location: Chengdu

具体薪水根据面试结果和工作经验而定,在成都应该是非常有竞争力的。感兴趣的朋友请将简历发到: mtk_cd@163.com
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