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iplanet messages server的STORE daemon启动失败?(在线等) [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2003-03-03 16:34 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
messageing  server硬盘满了,删掉日志后,server起不来了,以下是出错信息:
Info: Cache expiration set to 600 seconds
Netscape-Administrator/4.1 B99.344.0412
startup: listening to http://mail2, port 4886 as root
warning: daemon is running as super-user
/export/home/netscape/server4: Starting STORE daemon ...[03/Mar/2003:15:03:34 +0800] mail2 [473]: General Critical: The value of the store.defaultpartition option is primary but the store.partition.primary.path option is not defined
ERROR: Configuration database initialization failed - see default logfile
...[03/Mar/2003:15:03:38 +0800] mail2 [474]: General Critical: The value of the store.defaultpartition option is primary but the store.partition.primary.path option is not defined
ERROR: Configuration database initialization failed - see default logfile
ERROR: Failed to find process file after 90 seconds:
       Unable to verify if the STORE daemon started.
       Check the log file(s) under: /export/home/netscape/server4/msg-mail2/log/default

ERROR: The following services failed to start, or were already:

        STORE daemon

ERROR: Unable to verify start of STORE daemon for:

       Do NOT attempt an immediate restart.  The STORE daemon may
       have started, but has not finished initializing.

       Check the process list for the 'stored' process; if it exists
       do not attempt to restart the server until the following file exists:

       You may also wish to check the log file(s) under:
我怀疑是serverROOT/config/configdb 文件损坏了,但我不知道如何修复?

2 [报告]
发表于 2003-03-03 17:06 |只看该作者
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3 [报告]
发表于 2003-03-04 01:53 |只看该作者

iplanet messages server的STORE daemon启动失败?(在线等)

多谢hutao兄,store 顺利解决了,在启动server时报错:
# /etc/rc2.d/S99mail
server is already running
/export/home/netscape/server4: Starting POP3 daemon ...Fatal error: Cannot find port number for the service

ERROR: Failed to start POP3 daemon: /export/home/netscape/server4/bin/msg/store/bin/popd
/export/home/netscape/server4: IMAP4 daemon process already running: 325
/export/home/netscape/server4: Starting HTTP daemon ...Fatal error: Cannot find port number for the service

ERROR: Failed to start HTTP daemon: /export/home/netscape/server4/bin/msg/store/bin/mshttpd
/export/home/netscape/server4: Starting SMTP daemon ......[04/Mar/2003:00:59:08 +0800] mail2 smtpd[411]: General Notice: Plugin loaded : Function name (/export/home/netscape/server4/msg-mail2/smtp-bin/plugins/libUBEfilter.so:filter_msg_plugin())
[04/Mar/2003:00:59:08 +0800] mail2 smtpd[411]: General Notice: Plugin loaded : Function name (/export/home/netscape/server4/msg-mail2/smtp-bin/plugins/libUBEfilter.so:filter_msg_init())
[04/Mar/2003:00:59:08 +0800] mail2 smtpd[411]: General Notice: UBE Filter: initializing...
[04/Mar/2003:00:59:08 +0800] mail2 smtpd[411]: General Notice: UBE Filter: opened config file /export/home/netscape/server4/msg-mail2/smtp-bin/plugins/UBEfilter.cfg
[04/Mar/2003:00:59:08 +0800] mail2 smtpd[411]: General Notice: UBE Filter: initialization complete.
[04/Mar/2003:00:59:08 +0800] mail2 smtpd[411]: General Error: Startup Problem:
There seems to be no Postmaster account (if you have just installed
the Netscape Messaging Server, you must run the Install program which
accompanied the distribution). This account is required!
Netscape Messaging Server Exiting!
ERROR: Failed to find process file after 90 seconds:
       Unable to verify if the SMTP daemon started.
       Check the log file(s) under: /export/home/netscape/server4/msg-mail2/log/smtp

ERROR: The following services failed to start, or were already:

        POP3 daemon, HTTP daemon, SMTP daemon
另外:用console登进去,里边是空的,没有site ,没有server

4 [报告]
发表于 2003-03-04 12:57 |只看该作者

iplanet messages server的STORE daemon启动失败?(在线等)

我用 configutil -l -o ......命令把所有的值重置了一边,server正常了,但是新的问题又出现了,用户邮箱里的信看不到了,但是信还在server上呀,怎么办呢?
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