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JBuilder 8: Windows Installation FAQ [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2003-03-18 20:49 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

Article #29635: JBuilder 8: Windows Installation FAQ


I am having problems installing JBuilder 8. What can I do?


Please verify that you do not have any of the following problems:

You may not have enough hard drive space available in the partition that contains the "temp" directory. You will need approximately 300-500MB of space to complete the JBuilder 8 installation process.

The JBuilder installer will usually fail if it is unable to find a compatible JDK.
To verify which JDK the installer is using do the following:

Open a console window (aka DOS window)
Type set LAX_DEBUG=true
Run the install executable (which can be found in the "Windows" directory of your JBuilder 8 CD. e.g. ent_install.exe).
This will launch the installer in debug mode and allow it to provide debug output to the console window.

When the installer has loaded the first "splash" screen, which allows you to pick your language, check the console window. Look for the line that says something like this:

SUCCESS! Using f:/windows/resource/jre/bin/javaw.exe

If this is not pointing to the JBuilder CD then the installer is possibly using an incompatible VM.

If the information scrolls by too fast you need to set the buffer for the console to be larger. To do this:

Launch the installer in debug mode.
Click the MS-DOS icon in the upper, left-hand corner of the console and select "Properties".
Select the "Layout" tab.
In the "Screen Buffer Size" section, set the "Height" to something like 500 lines.
Click OK and OK again on the pop-up dialog.
Cancel the installer and start again. This time you should be able to scroll the output.

If you find that you are not using the VM that comes with JBuilder 8 you can try the following solutions to make the installers work:

Place a compatible JDK on the system path:
Open a command (DOS) prompt.
Clear the path: set PATH=""
Put the JDK "bin" directory on the path: set PATH=D:/jbuidler8/jdk1.4/bin
Do NOT append or prepend the path entry. You must clear the path first.

Run the installers from the same command prompt.
Re-Install JBuilder 8:
This will help assure that you do not have a corrupt install. Be sure to follow these steps when doing so:

Follow the uninstall instructions here.
Reboot the computer.
Disable any unnecessary applications that are running, including Netzip, Real Player, virus checkers, etc.
Re-install JBuilder.
Remove JDK references from the registry:
WARNING: Do not attempt the following steps if you are unfamiliar with editing the registry. Borland takes no responsibility for mistakes made or consequences from following these steps.

The idea here is to remove any conflicting JDK references from the registry so that the installer can find the correct JDK.

From the Start menu, select "Run..." and type in "regedit". Note for Windows NT users: do NOT use Regedit32.

Press F3 and, in the Search dialog that opens, type in "JavaSoft". Regedit should stop on the key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft". With this key selected, click the "Registry" menu and select "Export Registry File...". Be sure the "Export range" is set to "Selected Branch" and save the key to a file that you can remember.

Now delete the "JavaSoft" branch.

Continue searching for "JavaSoft" just to be sure that there are no other keys besides "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft". If you find more, modify them as above.

When done, exit regedit and restart the computer.

Run the install in debug mode again and check to see if it is using the VM on the JBuilder CD.

When the installer is finished (or if it still fails), you can restore the old registry settings by double-clicking the registry file(s) you exported.


Last Modified: 06-FEB-03

2 [报告]
发表于 2003-03-18 21:03 |只看该作者

JBuilder 8: Windows Installation FAQ


How do I uninstall JBuilder 8?


To uninstall:
On Windows
Run the "Lincensing Information" shortcut in your JBuilder program group (or run "jbuilder.exe -lincense") and delete your serial number from the list.
Run the "Uninstall Borland JBuilder 8" shortcut in your start menu.
Delete the JBuilder directory (e.g. "C:\JBuilder8").
Delete the ".jbuilder8", ".bes50", ".dbpilot", and ".jdatastore5" directories. They will be in your user home directory on Windows NT, 2000, and XP(e.g. "C:\WINNT\profiles\johndoe\.jbuilder8" or "C:\Documents and Settings\johndoe\.jbuilder8).
Delete any registration activation files (e.g. "reg157.txt") found in your user home directory.
Delete the Registry key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Borland\JBuilder\8.0"
If you have not installed any other Java 2 products since installing JBuilder, you may want to delete the registry keys:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Development Kit\1.4 -and- 1.4.1
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment\1.4 -and- 1.4.1
This step should not be necessary however.
Remove the JBuilder file associations from Windows Explorer (steps vary by operating system but they will be listed in the "File Types" section).
On Solaris and Linux
Run the "Uninstall<product>;" script in the "Uninstall<product>;" directory (e.g. "/usr/local/jbuilder8/UninstallEnterprise/UninstallEnterprise").
Delete the JBuilder directory (e.g. "/usr/local/JBuilder8").
Delete the ".jbuilder8", ".borland", ".bes50", ".dbpilot", and ".jdatastore5" directories. They will be in your user home directory (e.g. "/home/johndoe/.jbuilder8").
Delete any registration activation files (e.g. "reg157.txt") found in your user home directory.
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