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谁能写这个二叉搜索树结合AVL树的实现文件啊 [复制链接]

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发表于 2004-06-24 18:38 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

#define KEY_DATA_TYPE 1

typedef char* LPBST_ITEM;
typedef char* LPBST_KEYVALUE;

//callback function called when travelling tree
//input: pitem = the item pointer
//input: lpParam = the user_defined data
typedef BOOL (*TraverseCallBack)(LPBST_ITEM pitem,char* lpParam,int paramsize);

//callback function to get the item's key value pointer
//input: pitem = the item pointer
//return: pionter to key value of the item ,it's value is used by compare function's keybuf2 parameter
typedef LPBST_KEYVALUE (*GetKeyValueCallBack)(LPBST_ITEM pitem);

//order mode
enum TraverseOrder { Ascending=0,Descending,ParentFirst,ParentLast };

/********************* C L A S S D E F I N A T I O N ******************/
class CBSTree
struct BSNODE//binary tree node
LPBST_ITEM pitem;//the item data pointer
short Factor;//balance factor
BSNODE *LCH;//left child
BSNODE *RCH;//right child
void DeleteTree();
void DeleteTree(BSNODE *pNode); // delete a tree

int InsertNode(BSNODE *n,LPBST_KEYVALUE pkeyvalue);//insert a node
int InsertNoBalance(BSNODE* pNode);
// void Remove(BSNODE *pNode,LPBST_KEYVALUE pkeyvalue); // remove a node from tree
LPBST_ITEM Remove(BSNODE *pNode,LPBST_KEYVALUE pkeyvalue); // remove a node from tree
void* Search( BSNODE* pNode,LPBST_KEYVALUE pkeyvalue);//search a node from a tree
void* CheckPoint(BSNODE *pNode);//check the tree's node balance is validity

//travel a tree
void DoTraverse_Ascending(BSNODE* pNode,char* lpParam,int paramsize);//general a ascending array from a binary tree
void DoTraverse_Descending(BSNODE* pNode,char* lpParam,int paramsize);//general a Descending array from a binary tree
void DoTraverse_ParentFirst(BSNODE* pNode,char* lpParam,int paramsize);//general a ParentFirst array from a binary tree
void DoTraverse_ParentLast(BSNODE* pNode,char* lpParam,int paramsize);//general a ParentLast array from a binary tree

//for reindex
void InsertFromOrderedArray(int low, int hi);//general a balance tree from a ordered array
void OrderedArray(BSNODE* pNode);//put all tree's node into a array
int cal_balance(BSNODE *pNode);
int Cal_Balance();//calculate all node balance factor of root tree

int compare(LPBST_KEYVALUE keybuf1,LPBST_KEYVALUE keybuf2);
int height(BSNODE *pNode);

//input: getkvfunc = callback function to get the item's key value pointer
//input: keyvaluetype = the item key value 's data type
// 0: is string; 1 is signed char|short|int|long
// this value only used for deciding compare mode between two key value
CBSTree(GetKeyValueCallBack getkvfunc,BYTE keyvaluetype,HWND hwnd = NULL);


//travel root tree
//input: to = is the order type
//input: func = callback function called when reach a node
void Traverse(TraverseOrder order, TraverseCallBack func,char* lpParam = NULL,int paramsize = 0);//general a ordered array from a binary tree

// rebuild avl tree but not release the node ,it is thread safety
//return: if return 1 then successful
// if return 0 then failed
// if return -1 then fatal failed ,the index has destroyed.
int OptimizeIndex();//ReBuildIndex(); //rebalance root tree from sorted array element

//check the balance factor validity of all the node on the root tree
//return : the first node's item pointer which balance factor is invalid.
LPBST_ITEM Verify(); //balance tree from sorted array element

/* Inserts |item| into |tree| ,it is thread safety
input: pitem = the item pointer
input: pkeyvalue = the item's key value pointer
return: If a duplicate item key value is found in the tree,return 0 without insert it.
if insert successfully return 1
else return < 0
int Insert(LPBST_ITEM pitem,LPBST_KEYVALUE pkeyvalue);//insert a node

//remove node from root tree by key value,it is thread safety
//input: pkeyvalue = is the item's key value pointer
// void Remove(LPBST_KEYVALUE pkeyvalue); // remove a node by key value
LPBST_ITEM Remove(LPBST_KEYVALUE pkeyvalue); // remove a node by key value

//find the item pointer by a key value
//input: pkeyvalue = is the searched key value pointer
//return: if found then return the item pointer
// else return NULL
LPBST_ITEM Find( LPBST_KEYVALUE pkeyvalue);//search a node from a tree
int GetHeight();//get the height of root tree
GetKeyValueCallBack getkeyvalueFunc;//callback function to get the item's key value pointer
BYTE keytype; // the key data type 0: is string; 1 is (signed or unsigned) char|short|int|long
BSNODE *Root; //the tree root
BSNODE** mBalArray; // Array of pointers to all nodes of tree
// These two thingies are temp. stuff used in balancing.
int mBalArrayCount; //the element count of the array
void* mParam;//the tree pointer for balance by a ordered array
TraverseCallBack mFunc;//the function for balance by a ordered array
CRITICAL_SECTION CriticalSection; //for resolve conflic when changing node of tree

int mCount;//the tree node count
HWND hWnd;//handle windows message
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