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[proxy] SQUID Win2003 对Web进行CDN加速是否有域名数量的限制? [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2011-07-31 20:54 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
SQUID Win2003 对Web进行CDN加速是否有域名数量的限制?

我添加了8个不同的域名到Host文件里 然后访问最后一个域名出现错, 如下

The following error was encountered:

Unable to forward this request at this time.
This request could not be forwarded to the origin server or to any parent caches. The most likely cause for this error is that:

The cache administrator does not allow this cache to make direct connections to origin servers, and
All configured parent caches are currently unreachable.


我用的版本是squid-2.7.STABLE8 我的SQUID配置如下

http_port 80 vhost vport=80

acl apache rep_header Server ^Apache

broken_vary_encoding allow apache

cache_replacement_policy heap GDSF

memory_replacement_policy heap GDSF

cache_mem 300 MB

maximum_object_size 6000 KB

minimum_object_size 0 KB

maximum_object_size_in_memory 512 KB

cache_dir aufs c:/squid/var/cache 5000 32 512

cache_swap_low 90

cache_swap_high 95

strip_query_terms off

request_body_max_size 5 MB

memory_pools on

memory_pools_limit 50 MB

access_log none

cache_log none c:/squid/var/logs/cache.log

cache_store_log none

pid_filename c:/squid/var/logs/squid.pid

hosts_file C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts

refresh_pattern ^ftp: 1440 20% 10080

refresh_pattern ^gopher: 1440 0% 1440

refresh_pattern -i \.css$ 720 50% 1440 reload-into-ims

refresh_pattern -i \.xml$ 720 50% 1440 reload-into-ims

refresh_pattern -i \.html$ 720 90% 1440 reload-into-ims

refresh_pattern -i \.jpg$ 720 90% 1440 reload-into-ims

refresh_pattern -i \.png$ 720 90% 1440 reload-into-ims

refresh_pattern -i \.gif$ 720 90% 1440 ignore-reload

refresh_pattern -i \.js$ 720 90% 1440 reload-into-ims

refresh_pattern -i \.htm$ 720 90% 1440 reload-into-ims

refresh_pattern . 120 50% 1440

acl all src

acl p-manager proto cache_object

acl s-localhost src

acl d-localhost dst

acl d-domains dstdomain .123.com

acl d-domains dstdomain a.123.com

acl p-ssl port 443 563

acl p-safe port 80 443 563

acl m-conn method CONNECT

acl m-purge method PURGE

acl n-maxconn maxconn 15

http_access allow p-manager s-localhost

http_access allow m-purge

http_access allow !p-safe

http_access deny m-conn !p-ssl

http_access deny n-maxconn

http_access allow p-manager

http_access allow d-domains

http_access allow all

http_reply_access allow all

acl r-url urlpath_regex realtime

cache deny r-url

icp_access allow all

follow_x_forwarded_for allow all

acl_uses_indirect_client offrange_offset_limit -1

dns_timeout 2 seconds

forward_timeout 10 seconds

connect_timeout 10 seconds

peer_connect_timeout 6 seconds

read_timeout 10 seconds

request_timeout 6 seconds

persistent_request_timeout 16 seconds

cache_mgr Admin@123.Com

cache_effective_user nobody

cache_effective_group nobody

visible_hostname www.yevps.com

hierarchy_stoplist cgi-bin ?

hierarchy_stoplist -i ^https:\\ ?

acl QUERY urlpath_regex -i cgi-bin \? \.asp \.php \.jsp \.cgi

acl denyssl urlpath_regex -i ^https:\\

no_cache deny QUERY

no_cache deny denyssl

logfile_rotate 0

always_direct allow all

#error_directory /usr/local/squid/share/errors/Simplify_Chinese

coredump_dir c:/squid/var/cache

access_log c:/squid/var/logs/access.log squid

cache_log c:/squid/var/logs/cache.log

cache_store_log c:/squid/var/logs/store.log

请大家帮我看下配置的有没有问题, 是否有域名数量的限制?
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