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北京猎头职位:美企 Senior QE - Linux Kernel [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2011-09-26 22:42 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Job Title: Senior Quality Engineer - Kernel

Location:  Beijing, China

The Quality Engineering team is looking forengineer to search for, analyze, report, track defects and verify bug fixes inkernel.

We are looking for an experienced QA Engineer with strong technicalskills.

You must be a flexible self-starter who can come up to speed quicklywith new technologies and can adapt to a growing and evolving team.

- Tech Lead on one or more kernel areas, e.g.,network, file system, power management, memory/scheduler, etc.
- Thinking and giving suggestions or making decisions on overall testingscenario for specific area(s)(same as above).
- Solving both tech and non-tech problems/issues.

Job Requirements

- Strong skills and background in Linux.
- Strong skills and background in at least one area of network, file system,power management, memory/scheduler.
- Must be a flexible self-starter who would like to take responsibilities.
- Have passion and desire for testing and examining how things work internally.
- Be willing to coordinate and help others and to solve difficult problems.
- Can communicate in written and oral English.     

请发邮箱(MSN): luke@vjedi.com

请发邮箱/MSN: luke@vjedi.com
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