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How to setup and use product line accounting? [复制链接]

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发表于 2011-12-19 13:56 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
How to setup and use product line accounting

Product line accounting makes possible all of the following:

1- Default WIP accounting classes based on product line categories when converting planned orders
          to execution orders

2- Default WIP accounting classes based on product line categories when defining discrete jobs,
          associating repetitive assemblies and lines, and when performing work order-less completions

3- Perform distributions using these default WIP classes and their valuation and variance accounts

4- Track work in process and inventory transactions by product line

To implement product line accounting, complete your product line accounting setup,
then define and implement the Accounting Entry or Account Generation client extension.

If you do not implement one or the other of these extensions,
the default WIP accounting classes defined in the Category Default WIP Accounting Classes window are used
but the accounts defined in the Category Accounts window are not, thus your implementation will be incomplete.

Implementing Product Line Accounting

1- A category set "Product Line" need to be defined and assigned
to the functional area Product line accounting
Inventory:  Setup > Items > Categories > Default Category Sets
2- Organization is created and have a default cost group associated
Inventory:  Setup > Organizations > Parameters 
3- Setup the default wip accounting classes for categories:
Cost Management:  Setup > Account Assignments > Category Default WIP Class >
4- Navigate to Default Category WIP Class setup window
Cost Management:  Setup > Account Assignments > Category Default WIP Class
For Org Default cost group and product line accounting category code
assigned to your item,  setup a default standard WIP class to be the one
you have created in step 3.
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