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HTML5 and CSS3:Develop with Tomorrows [复制链接]

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发表于 2011-12-19 14:02 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
HTML5 and CSS3: Develop with Tomorrow’s Standards Today
TML5 and CSS3 are the future of web development, but you don’t have to wait to start using them. Even though the specification is still in development, many modern browsers and mobile devices already support HTML5 and CSS3. This book gets you up to speed on the new HTML5 elements and CSS3 features you can use right now, and backwards compatible solutions ensure that you don’t leave users of older browsers behind.
This book gets you started working with many useful new features of HTML5 and CSS3 right away. Gone are the days of adding additional markup just to style a button differently or stripe tables. You’ll learn to use HTML5′s new markup to create better structure for your content and better interfaces for your forms, resulting in cleaner, easier-to-read code that can be understood by both humans and programs.
You’ll find out how to embed audio, video, and vector graphics into your pages without using Flash. You’ll see how web sockets, client-side storage, offline caching, and cross-document messaging can ease the pain of modern web development. And you’ll discover how simple CSS3 makes it to style sections of your page. Throughout the book, you’ll learn how to compensate for situations where your users can’t take advantage of HTML5 and CSS3 yet, developing solutions that are backwards compatible and accessible.
You’ll find what you need quickly with this book’s modular structure, and get hands-on with a tutorial project for each new HTML5 and CSS3 feature covered. “Falling Back” sections show you how to create solutions for older browsers, and “The Future” sections at the end of each chapter get you excited about the possibilities when HTML5 and CSS3 reach widespread adoption. Get ready for the future—in fact, it’s here already.
About the Author
Brian Hogan has been developing web sites professionally since 1995 as a freelancer and consultant. He currently builds web applications using Ruby, jQuery, HTML 5, and CSS 3. He enjoys teaching and writing about technology, particularly web design and development. He is also an advocate of accessibility for the disabled, particularly as it pertains to the visually impaired. When not experimenting with web-based languages and technology, he’s… well, who are we kidding? He’s always hacking on something.
Book Details
Paperback: 280 pages
Publisher: Pragmatic Bookshelf; 1 edition (December, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1934356689
ISBN-13: 978-1934356685
File Size: 52.4 MiB
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