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.align 5之类的知识 [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2011-12-21 08:41 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

.align n


.align n 指令的对齐值有两种方案:n  2^n 



  版本2. 8.2上的)这样说:

  The way the required alignment is specified varies from system to system. For the a29k, hppa, m68k, m88k, w65, sparc, and Hitachi SH, and i386 using ELF format, the first expression is the alignment request in bytes. For example `.align 8' advances the location counter until it is a multiple of 8. If the location counter is already a multiple of 8, no change is needed.

  For other systems, including the i386 using a.out format, and the arm and strongarm, it is the number of low-order zero bits the location counter must have after advancement. For example `.align 3' advances the location counter until it a multiple of 8. If the location counter is already a multiple of 8, no change is needed.

  从这段文字来看,ARM.align 5就是25次方对齐,也就是4字节对齐,通过反汇编也可以看出对齐方式:

  .align 5

  stmfd sp!, {r0 - r3, lr}

  mov r0, ip

  ldmfd sp!, {r0 - r3, pc}^

  .align 5

  stmfd sp!, {r0 - r3, lr}

  mov r0, ip

  mov ip, r0

  ldmfd sp!, {r0 - r3, pc}^


  00000000 <.text>:

  0: e92d400f stmdb sp!, {r0, r1, r2, r3, lr}

  4: e1a0000c mov r0, ip

  8: e8fd800f ldmia sp!, {r0, r1, r2, r3, pc}^


  20: e92d400f stmdb sp!, {r0, r1, r2, r3, lr}

  24: e1a0000c mov r0, ip

  28: e1a0c000 mov ip, r0

  2c: e8fd800f ldmia sp!, {r0, r1, r2, r3, pc}^

  30: e1a00000 nop (mov r0,r0)

  34: e1a00000 nop (mov r0,r0)

  38: e1a00000 nop (mov r0,r0)

  3c: e1a00000 nop (mov r0,r0)


  In the future, everytime when you build an elf file, you need meantime created your map file. And then you will avoid mistakes like this align.

  Also, please also pick up some linker script knowlege part. For embedded system, we frequently play the linker script to tune an image, for example, align some special section and so on for protection or/and cache purpose. wish helpful


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