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Enterprise Instant Messenger: Are you the only use [复制链接]

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发表于 2011-12-21 08:43 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

Instant messaging is a common form of business communication. The Brosix Instant Messenger has the tools you need to save your company a great deal of time and money. When times are tough and security is vital, the right enterprise instant messenger becomes critical.



Using a enterprise instant messenger   is a great idea on many levels. But as you know, this only does you good if there are other people (clients, coworkers, etc.) to speak with.


Are others in your company willing to use the business instant messenger that is available to them? If not, try these three tips:


1. Offer to explain the program. Many people shy away from a business IM because they are afraid of change. A little bit of help can go a long way.


2. Explain the benefits. From faster response times to advanced features, such as video chat, there are many reasons why using a business instant messenger makes good sense. Once you explain the benefits to others you have a good chance of them joining you.


3. Schedule a meeting to discuss this topic. By getting everybody into the same room at the same time, you can explain why using the company’s business instant messenger is such a big deal.


If you are the only person in your company using an instant messenger, implement the tips and ideas above.

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