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[Android] For X86 (Atom) [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2011-12-22 08:51 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
  1. Docs
    • Using the Android-x86 Port as your Emulator
    • android-x86 (Atom)
    • Android adb连接VirtualBox方式http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4de067e40100povf.html# xxx
  2. Emulator
    • Crate VM
      • Download VirtualBox + VM ISO
      • Install VirtualBox
      • Create VM
        1. Create a new VM by click New
        2. Click Settings > Storage > CD/DVD Drive> Choose a virtual CD/DVD disk file, then choose a .iso file
        3. Configure network
      • Click Start, then select 'Live CD - VESA mode'
      • xxx
    • Hot keys
      • Ctrl + F1: commond line
      • Ctrl + F7: Graphics
      • Right Ctrl: Release mouse capture
      • Right click: Like Back key
      • Double right click: Return to Home
      • ESC: Like Back key
      • Ctrl + F2: Like Menu key
    • Command
      • netcfg: view and config ipaddress. about how to use this tools, please execute 'netcfg -h'
      • xxx
    • xxx
  3. xxx
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