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layers of TCP/IP [复制链接]

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发表于 2011-12-22 08:53 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览


Layer names and number of layers in the literature

The following table shows the layer names and the number of layers of networking models presented in RFCs and textbooks in widespread use in today's university computer networking courses.

RFC 1122 [7] Tanenbaum Cisco Academy[8] Kurose[9] Forouzan [10] Comer[11] Kozierok[12] Stallings[13] Arpanet Reference Model 1982 (RFC 871)
Four layers [14] Four layers [15] Four layers Five layers Four+one layers Five layers Three layers
"Internet model"[citation needed] "TCP/IP reference model"[16] "Internet model" "Five-layer Internet model" or "TCP/IP protocol suite" "TCP/IP 5-layer reference model" "TCP/IP model" "Arpanet reference model"
Application [14][17] Application Application Application Application Application Application/Process
Transport [14] Transport Transport Transport Transport Host-to-host or transport Host-to-host
Internet [14] Internet Internetwork Network Internet Internet
Link [14] Host-to-network Network interface Data link Data link (Network interface) Network access Network interface

Physical (Hardware) Physical
OSI Model

Data unit Layer Function
Data 7. Application Network process to application
6. Presentation Data representation, encryption and decryption, convert machine dependent data to machine independent data
5. Session Interhost communication
Segments 4. Transport End-to-end connections, reliability and flow control
Packet/Datagram 3. Network Path determination and logical addressing
Frame 2. Data Link Physical addressing
Bit 1. Physical Media, signal and binary transmission

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