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Oracle Password Management Policy [复制链接]

招聘 : 研发工程师
1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2011-12-22 08:54 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
To understand Oracle's Password Management Policy features.
The available options are:

1. Account Locking
2. Password Aging and Expiration
3. Password History,
4. Password Complexity Verification.

Scope & Application:
Oracle DBAs that require added security for password management.

Password Management Policy
Password Management is setup by DBAs using Oracle Profiles. A Profile is setup
with the required password parameters and then assigned to a user. Oracle
provides a script $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/utlpwdmg.sql to setup password
management features on the DEFAULT profile. Connect as SYS before running
this script. DBAs can use it as a sample to see how the password management
features are enabled.

Tip : Copy the utlpwdmg.sql script and customize it to your own needs
using the Oracle developed verify function as a starting template.

Tip : Create a new profile an experiment with the feature first, for
example: create profile custom limit PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION verify_function;
To assign this profile to a user, use the following syntax:

SQL> alter user scott profile custom;

There are currently 7 password management parameters that can be specified in a
database profile. Each password management feature discussed below includes a
reference to the relevant profile parameters.

1. Account Locking - When a user exceeds a designated number of failed login
attempts (FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS), the server automatically locks that user's
account for a specified time period (PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME).

Profile parameters: FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS

2. Password Aging and Expiration - When the specified amount of time passes
(PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME) the password expires, and the user or DBA must change
the password. A grace period in days (PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME) can be set
allowing the user time to change their password after it has expired.
Users enter the grace period upon the first attempt to login to a database
account after their password has expired. During the grace period, a warning
message appears each time users try to log in to their accounts, and continues
to appear until the grace period expires.
Users must change the password within the grace period.
If the password is not changed within the grace period, the account expires
and no further logins to that account are allowed until the password is

Note that a password cannot and will not be locked as a result of exceeding
the life time and subsequent grace time, however the user will not be able to
login until the password is changed.

Profile parameters: PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME

3. Password History - A time interval during which users cannot reuse a password
(PASSWORD_REUSE_TIME). This can be specified as either a time interval in days,
or a number of password changes the user must make before the current password
can be reused (PASSWORD_REUSE_MAX).

Profile parameters: PASSWORD_REUSE_TIME

4. Password Complexity Verification - DBAs can create their own password
verification routines using PL/SQL.

The SYS owned PL/SQL function must adhere to the following format:

routine_name( userid_parameter IN VARCHAR2, password_parameter IN VARCHAR2,
old_password_parameter IN VARCHAR2) RETURN BOOLEAN

Once complexity checking is enabled, a user can change his/her password
in a number of different ways:

4.1. Use the sqlplus 'password' command, for example:

SQL> connect scott/tiger
SQL> password
Changing password for SCOTT
Old password:
New password:
Retype new password:
Password changed

4.2. Use the ALTER USER statement, for example:


The ALTER USER syntax using the REPLACE keyword was added as part of the
fix to bug 1231172 so this syntax will work in all currently supported

4.3. Any custom application using the OCIPasswordChange() call, see note 139748.1
for an example, this can be used by application developers to develop customer
friendly screens, when developing such an application it is important to generate
the proper responses to the following exceptions associated with password management

ORA-28000 "the account is locked"
ORA-28001 "the password has expired"
ORA-28002 "the password will expire within %s days"
ORA-28003 "password verification for the specified password failed"
ORA-28007 "the password cannot be reused"
ORA-28008 "invalid old password"


Tip : To disable the verify function of a given profile, set it to NULL,
for example:

SQL> alter profile default limit password_verify_function null;

Example using all Password Management features previously discussed.
-- A default password complexity function is provided.
-- This sample function makes no checks and always returns true.
-- The logic in the function should be modified as required.
-- See $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/utlpwdmg.sql for an idea of kind
-- of logic that can be used.
-- This function must be created in SYS schema.
-- connect sys/<password> as sysdba before running this.

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION allways_true (username varchar2,
password varchar2, old_password varchar2) RETURN boolean IS

-- This script alters the default parameters for Password Management.
-- This means that all the users on the system have Password Management
-- enabled and set to the following values unless another profile is
-- created with parameter values set to different value or UNLIMITED
-- is created and assigned to the user.

PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME 1/1440 --(days)

Related Documents:
Note:124648.1 ORA-28003 ORA-20001 ORA-20002 ORA-20003 ORA-20004 After Running UTLPWDMG.SQL
Note:98481.1 How to Keep the Same Password when Expiry Time is Reached and Change is Required
Note:162818.1 ORA-28002 On User Connection Immediately After PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME Changed
Note:1079860.6 ORA-28011 Password Expiry Date is Reached But Reset to NULL
Note:139676.1 ORA-28007: the password cannot be reused
Note:1083889.6 ORA-00931: missing identifier when PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION = UNLIMITED
Note:260111.1 How to interpret the ACCOUNT_STATUS column in DBA_USERS
Note:139748.1 Demonstrates the use of the new Oracle OCI8 OCIPasswordChange function

bug:1231172 ENHANCEMENT: Add "REPLACE oldpassword" clause to ALTER USER command

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