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补充文献笔记[1]-Hybrid p2p botnet [复制链接]

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发表于 2011-12-23 01:03 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

8: 作者提出的几种防御措施,我认为还是有必要总结一下:

A: Annihilating 消灭,歼灭

  1. 找准对象:Defenders应该几种防御力量到servents bots,防止它们被入侵;
  2. 抓住时机:defenders应开开发快速检测和相应系统,在botmaster发布第一次更新命令前关闭初始的servent bots;
  3. 纵深反击:defenders应该poison 此P2P botnet的通信频道:让感染的honeypots加入botnet并生成拥有静态全局IP,成为Servent bots后将可能加入PLUSB( peerlist updated servent bots),它们加入的越多,对通信频道的有效通信影响越大;


  • 一旦honeybot被感染,defender应该让bot快速感染其他更多的honeypots;
  • 当收到report命令,所有honeypots都应立即相应,表达自己的能力和中心,尽可能加入核心中枢PLUSB.
  • 如果defender能够提供分布式的honeypots和大量IP地址就更好了。

B:Monitoring 监控


A possible weakness point of the proposed botnet is its centralized monitoring sensor. If defenders have setup a good traffic logging system. It is possible that they could capture the traffic to a botnet sensor.

作者本章的最后一句还写道:This makes it important to conduct further research on this approach since we must be prepared in case a future smart botnet can detect and disable honeypot.


9: 讨论部分


【27: honeypotting with vmware basics】

【28: advanced honey pot identification and exploitation】

【29:honed security advisory 2004-001:remote detection via simple probe packet】

或者利用honeypots具有的合法和道德限制。许多当前的botnets不去阻止honeypots,---simply because 攻击者没有感受到honeypots的威胁。


    当前的研究表明,对于当前的Internet botnet(主要指IRC botnet)的监控也不是太难,可问题是:如果防止有botnet发出的攻击?由于法律和道德原因,作为安全工作者不能主动攻击和俘获远程bot 肉鸡或者一个botnet C&C server,即使我们知道某个远程机器被安装了bot程序。举例:人所共知的"good worm"方法在真实互联网环境中就不能实践? 当前的那些依赖ISPs来限制bot肉鸡的方法缓慢而且消耗资源。所以在botnet防御方面还有足够的挑战。


10 讨论

作者指出,to defend against such an advanced botnet, we point out that honeypot may play an important role. We should, therefore, invest more research into determining how to deploy honeypots efficiently and avoid their exposure to botnets and botmasters.

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