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解析6-1 [复制链接]

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发表于 2011-12-23 01:29 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

=====  <<6>>  实例的活动信息
consistent gets                          16,616,758       19,711.5        219.8
由consistent gets,db block gets和physical reads这三个值,我们也可以计算得到buffer hit ratio,计算的公式如下: buffer hit ratio = 100*(1-physical reads /(consistent gets+ db block gets)),例如在这里,我们可以计算得到:buffer hit ratio =100*(1-26524/(16616758+2941398))= 99.86

dirty buffers inspected                          166            0.2          0.0
脏数据从LRU列表中老化,A value here indicates that the DBWR is not keeping up。如果这个值大于0,就需要考虑增加DBWRs。
dirty buffers inspected: This is the number of dirty (modified) data buffers that were aged out on the LRU list. You may benefit by adding more DBWRs.If it is greater than 0, consider increasing the database writes.

free buffer inspected                            188            0.2          0.0
这个值包含dirty,pinned,busy的buffer区域,如果free buffer inspected - dirty buffers inspected - buffer is pinned count的值还是比较大,表明不能被重用的内存块比较多,这将导致latch争用,需要增大buffer cache。

parse count (hard)                             6,090            7.2          0.1
parse count (total)                          191,531          227.2          2.5
通过parse count (hard)和parse count (total),可以计算soft parse率为:
100-100*(parse count (hard)/parse count (total)) =100-100*(1-6090/191531)=96.82

sorts (disks)           0              0            0
磁盘排序一般不能超过5%。如果超过5%,需要设置参数PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET或者 SORT_AREA_SIZE,注意,这里SORT_AREA_SIZE是分配给每个用户的,PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET则是针对所有的session的一个总数设置。
sorts (memory)                              180,293          213.9          2.4

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