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杂乱的主题Ack [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2011-12-23 02:49 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

$str = '此次8468058万元';
$preg = '#[0-9]{1,}#';

echo $match[0][0];



$dira = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . $DS . "webroot".$DS."attachment".$DS."product".$number.".xlsx" ;

//download the excel file
header( "Content-type: application/excel" );
header( "Content-disposition: attachment; filename=".basename($dira) );
header( "Content-transfer-encoding: binary\n");
header( "Content-length: " . @filesize($dira ) . "\n" );
// Send the torrent file
$fp = @fopen( $dira, "r" );
@fpassthru( $fp );
@fclose( $fp );




class mysql
 private function __construct($configs){
  $this->_databaseHost = $configs['databaseHost'];
  $this->_databaseUser = $configs['userName'];
  $this->_databaseName = $configs['databaseName'];
  $this->_passWord     = $configs['passWord'];
  //$this->_databaseHost = '';
  //$this->_databaseUser = 'asskuaibo';
  //$this->_databaseName = 'asskuaibo';
  //$this->_passWord     = 'asskuaibo';
 private function __clone(){}
 private  function _init(){
   $this->_link = mysql_connect($this->_databaseHost, $this->_databaseUser, $this->_passWord) or die('can not connect mysql!!');
   mysql_query("set names '".$this->_charset."'");
   mysql_select_db ($this->_databaseName, $this->_link);
  }catch (Exception $e){
   echo 'exception';
 public function get($sql){
  //echo $sql;
   echo "<font color=red>$sql</font><br />";
  $res = mysql_query($sql, $this->_link);
  while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)){
   $data[] = $row;
  return $data;
 public function query($sql){
   echo "<font color=red>$sql</font><br />";
  mysql_query($sql, $this->_link);
  * only one instance
  * */
 public static function getInstance($configs){
  if(self::$_instance === null){
   self::$_instance = new self($configs);
  return self::$_instance;
 private function _isDebug(){
  return $this->_isDebug;
 public function onDebug(){
  $this->_isDebug = true;
 public function offDebug(){
  $this->_isDebug = false;
 private $_isDebug = false;
 private $_link = null;
 private static $_instance = null;
 private $_databaseHost = null;
 private $_databaseUser = null;
 private $_passWord = null;
 private $_charset = 'utf8';
 private $_databaseName = null;

class request
 public static function get($key, $default = ''){
   return self::_filter($_POST[$key]);
  }else if(isset($_GET[$key])){
   return self::_filter($_GET[$key]);
  }else {
   return $default;
 public static function _filter($str){
  return addslashes($str);

class mem_cache
 public function set($key, $val, $cacheTime){
  $this->_memcache->set($key, $val, 0, $cacheTime); 
 public function get($key){
  return $this->_memcache->get($key);
 public function del($key){
 public function delAll(){
 public static function getInstance($mem_config){
  if(self::$_instance === null){
   self::$_instance = new self($mem_config);
  return self::$_instance;
 private function __clone(){}
 private function __construct($mem_config){
  //$this->_config = $mem_config;
  $this->_config['host'] = $mem_config['host'];
  $this->_config['port'] = $mem_config['port'];
  //$this->_config['host'] = '';
  //$this->_config['port'] = 11211;
  if($this->_memcache === null){
   $this->_memcache = new Memcache;
   $this->_memcache->connect($this->_config['host'], $this->_config['port']);

 private static $_instance = null;
 private $_mem = null;
 private $_config = array();

class apc_cache
 public function set($key, $val, $cacheTime){
  apc_store($key, $val, $cacheTime);
 public function get($key){
  return apc_fetch($key);
 public function del($key){

 public function delAll(){
 public static function getInstance(){
  if(self::$_instance === null){
   self::$_instance = new self();
  return self::$_instance;
 private static $_instance = null;

class cache
 public static function getInstance( $mem_config = array(), $type = 'a'){
  if($type == 'a'){
   return apc_cache::getInstance();
   return mem_cache::getInstance($mem_config);
 public function __construct(){





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