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楼主: sw2wolf
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[OpenBSD] JWM够简洁 !!! [复制链接]

日期:2013-09-24 23:01:09技术图书徽章
日期:2013-10-25 07:33:452015年辞旧岁徽章
日期:2015-03-03 16:54:1515-16赛季CBA联赛之江苏
日期:2016-12-22 10:45:16
11 [报告]
发表于 2012-07-16 21:42 来自手机 |只看该作者

日期:2016-01-28 19:52:032015亚冠之北京国安
日期:2015-10-07 14:28:19NBA常规赛纪念章
日期:2015-05-04 22:32:03处女座
日期:2015-01-15 19:45:44卯兔
日期:2014-10-28 16:17:14白羊座
日期:2014-05-24 15:10:46寅虎
日期:2014-05-10 09:50:35白羊座
日期:2014-03-12 20:52:17午马
日期:2014-03-01 08:37:27射手座
日期:2014-02-19 19:26:54子鼠
日期:2013-11-30 09:03:56狮子座
日期:2013-09-08 08:37:52
12 [报告]
发表于 2012-07-16 21:45 |只看该作者
sw2wolf 发表于 2012-06-13 14:19

2000 to 2004: University of Missouri - Rolla.
B.S. Computer Science
B.S. Applied Mathematics
Computer Science Doctoral Student2011-present
Washington University; St. Louis, Missouri
Exegy Inc.; St. Louis, Missouri
Senior Software Engineer2008-2011
Exegy Inc.; St. Louis, Missouri
Designed and implemented a high-performance, multi-threaded system to maintain order books from millions of messages per second.
Implemented a Linux kernel module extension to forward network packets from a NIC to user-land to bypass the network stack thereby reducing latencies to under a microsecond.
Used Infiniband RDMA as an interconnect for connecting clients and expanding system capacity by sharing work among multiple compute nodes.
Debugged hardware problems with custom FPGA accelerator boards.
Software Engineer2005-2008
Exegy Inc.; St. Louis, Missouri
Implemented pre- and post-processing for a hardware-accelerated search engine in C++.
Designed and implemented a customer-facing API for interacting with the hardware/FPGA search solution in C.
Designed and implemented a system for interfacing with a hardware-accelerated last-value-cache for high-performance proprietary trading by customers.
Developed the software for configuring a hardware-accelerated order-book solution.
Associate Analyst2004-2005
SBC Services, Inc.; St. Louis, Missouri
Assisted with the design, development, and testing of an enterprise logging and auditing facility utilizing Java, JMS, PL/SQL, Jakarta Struts, and XML.
Provided support to other developers for internal middleware products.
USGS; Rolla, Missouri
Built a PNG conversion web service using Java, JNI, and C to support alpha transparency.
Wrote a Java Swing program utilizing Xerces and Xalan to connect to map web services.
Developed a map viewer in Java, which connected to a SQL database to get a list of relevant map services to contact.
Implemented web services in Java to work with Styled Layer Descriptors.
Wrote an ArcIMS/OGC connector in Java.
University of Missouri - Rolla; Rolla, Missouri
Grader for Programming Languages and Translators (CS 236).
SBC Services, Inc.; St. Louis, Missouri
Developed a unit test suite for a middleware library in C++.
Developed web pages and applications using CFML, SQL, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Created Knockout. Knockout is a game for the iPhone written in Objective-C.
Implemented an Altair 680 system on an FPGA. The Altair 680 is a computer system from the mid-1970s based on a Motorola 6800 microprocessor. I implemented the processor, keyboard driver, graphics driver, and UART in Verilog to run on a Spartan-3 FPGA.
Created and continue to develop JWM. JWM (Joe's Window Manager) is a window manager for the X Window System written in C and included in several Linux distributions.
C, C++, Java, Objective-C, Ada, Verilog, Perl, Assembly (various types), Haskell
Linux, UNIX (various flavors), Mac OS X, Windows
确实如此 O_o

13 [报告]
发表于 2012-07-27 08:21 |只看该作者
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