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[FreeBSD] MediaWiki or TikiWiki or DokuWiki [复制链接]

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发表于 2012-08-03 09:07 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Comparison of the best free wiki software

One of the most outstanding technologies developed and improved during the last decade is the wiki engine. With this web-based application every user is capable to create a comprehensive knowledge base or an interactive website on any personal, corporate or social topic, and share it with the user's community. The wiki engine enables each member to search, read, add and edit articles, and thus improve the content of the wiki. Wiki software can be downloaded as a ready-made tool and in the majority of cases its use is free of charge.

Wiki main advantages:

The following list shows some of the main advantages of a wiki engine, that contribute to wiki being a fascinating collaborative and knowledge base software:

  • Wiki requires only basic programming skills and thus is simple to use and maintain.
  • Wiki provides easy text formatting and docs linking tools.
  • Members can create content (articles, manuals and other documents) independently of each other.
  • Wikis are mostly free and open source.
  • There is a bottom-up structure approach and simple navigation.
  • Connection to other wikis is possible.
  • Wikis have broad fields of application.

How to choose the right wiki for your website: MediaWiki, TikiWiki or DokuWiki?

Once you have decided to use one of the wikis, you should consider which wiki tool to choose for your web site. In this article we will compare three of the best free wiki tools hosted by SiteGround: MediaWiki, TikiWiki and DokuWiki.

No matter which one you choose, SiteGround will provide you with all wiki hosting resources you need, such as immediate account activation, quick and easy installation, tutorials, storage space for all your wiki files, data security, website access reliability and top customer care.

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