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HP-UX Patch 安装 [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2007-09-03 10:18 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

1) Oracle 10g 需要以下patch:
Checking for PHSS_31221; found Not found.        Failed <<<<
Checking for PHSS_32508; found Not found.        Failed <<<<
Checking for PHSS_32509; found Not found.        Failed <<<<
Checking for PHSS_32510; found Not found.        Failed <<<<
Checking for PHSS_32731; found Not found.        Failed <<<<
Checking for PHCO_31312; found Not found.        Failed <<<<


=======  09/03/07 09:39:04 EAT  BEGIN install AGENT SESSION (pid=5082)

       * Agent session started for user \"root@k5701\". (pid=5082)

       * Beginning Analysis Phase.
       * Source:           k5701:/tmp/patch/depot
       * Target:           k5701:/
       * Target logfile:   k5701:/var/adm/sw/swagent.log
       * Reading source for product information.
       * Reading source for file information.
NOTE:    The patch fileset \"PHSS_32731.ATS-RUN,r=1.0\" may only be
         installed upon a previously installed base fileset.  The
         specification for this base fileset is
         \"ATS-CORE.ATS-RUN,fr=A.11.16.00,v=HP\".  Since there is no
         fileset on the target or selected from the source which
         matches this specification, fileset \"PHSS_32731.ATS-RUN,r=1.0\"
         will be excluded.
NOTE:    The patch fileset \"PHSS_32731.CM-CORE,r=1.0\" may only be
         installed upon a previously installed base fileset.  The
         specification for this base fileset is
         \"Cluster-Monitor.CM-CORE,fr=A.11.16.00,v=HP\".  Since there is
         no fileset on the target or selected from the source which
         matches this specification, fileset \"PHSS_32731.CM-CORE,r=1.0\"
         will be excluded.
NOTE:    The patch fileset \"PHSS_32731.CM-CORE-MAN,r=1.0\" may only be
         installed upon a previously installed base fileset.  The
         specification for this base fileset is
         \"Cluster-Monitor.CM-CORE-MAN,fr=A.11.16.00,v=HP\".  Since there
         is no fileset on the target or selected from the source which
         matches this specification, fileset
         \"PHSS_32731.CM-CORE-MAN,r=1.0\" will be excluded.
NOTE:    The patch fileset \"PHSS_32731.CM-PKG,r=1.0\" may only be
         installed upon a previously installed base fileset.  The
         specification for this base fileset is
         \"Package-Manager.CM-PKG,fr=A.11.16.00,v=HP\".  Since there is
         no fileset on the target or selected from the source which
         matches this specification, fileset \"PHSS_32731.CM-PKG,r=1.0\"
         will be excluded.
NOTE:    The patch fileset \"PHSS_32731.CM-PKG-MAN,r=1.0\" may only be
         installed upon a previously installed base fileset.  The
         specification for this base fileset is
         \"Package-Manager.CM-PKG-MAN,fr=A.11.16.00,v=HP\".  Since there
         is no fileset on the target or selected from the source which
         matches this specification, fileset
         \"PHSS_32731.CM-PKG-MAN,r=1.0\" will be excluded.
NOTE:    The patch fileset \"PHSS_32732.CM-DEN-PROV,r=1.0\" may only be
         installed upon a previously installed base fileset.  The
         specification for this base fileset is
         \"Cluster-OM.CM-DEN-PROV,fr=B.03.00.00,v=HP\".  Since there is
         no fileset on the target or selected from the source which
         matches this specification, fileset
         \"PHSS_32732.CM-DEN-PROV,r=1.0\" will be excluded.
NOTE:    The patch fileset \"PHSS_32732.CM-MOF,r=1.0\" may only be
         installed upon a previously installed base fileset.  The
         specification for this base fileset is
         \"CM-Provider-MOF.CM-MOF,fr=B.03.00.00,v=HP\".  Since there is
         no fileset on the target or selected from the source which
         matches this specification, fileset \"PHSS_32732.CM-MOF,r=1.0\"
         will be excluded.
NOTE:    The patch fileset \"PHSS_32732.CM-OM,r=1.0\" may only be
         installed upon a previously installed base fileset.  The
         specification for this base fileset is
         \"Cluster-OM.CM-OM,fr=B.03.00.00,v=HP\".  Since there is no
         fileset on the target or selected from the source which
         matches this specification, fileset \"PHSS_32732.CM-OM,r=1.0\"
         will be excluded.
NOTE:    The patch fileset \"PHSS_32732.CM-OM-AUTH,r=1.0\" may only be
         installed upon a previously installed base fileset.  The
         specification for this base fileset is
         \"Cluster-OM.CM-OM-AUTH,fr=B.03.00.00,v=HP\".  Since there is no
         fileset on the target or selected from the source which
         matches this specification, fileset
         \"PHSS_32732.CM-OM-AUTH,r=1.0\" will be excluded.
NOTE:    The patch fileset \"PHSS_32732.CM-OM-TOOLS,r=1.0\" may only be
         installed upon a previously installed base fileset.  The
         specification for this base fileset is
         \"Cluster-OM.CM-OM-TOOLS,fr=B.03.00.00,v=HP\".  Since there is
         no fileset on the target or selected from the source which
         matches this specification, fileset
         \"PHSS_32732.CM-OM-TOOLS,r=1.0\" will be excluded.
NOTE:    The patch fileset \"PHSS_32732.CM-PROVIDER,r=1.0\" may only be
         installed upon a previously installed base fileset.  The
         specification for this base fileset is
         \"CM-Provider-MOF.CM-PROVIDER,fr=B.03.00.00,v=HP\".  Since there
         is no fileset on the target or selected from the source which
         matches this specification, fileset
         \"PHSS_32732.CM-PROVIDER,r=1.0\" will be excluded.
NOTE:    The patch fileset \"PHSS_32732.OPS-PROVIDER,r=1.0\" may only be
         installed upon a previously installed base fileset.  The
         specification for this base fileset is
         \"OPS-Provider-MOF.OPS-PROVIDER,fr=B.03.00.00,v=HP\".  Since
         there is no fileset on the target or selected from the source
         which matches this specification, fileset
         \"PHSS_32732.OPS-PROVIDER,r=1.0\" will be excluded.
       * Executing preDSA command.
NOTE:    The bundle \"BUNDLE,r=B.11.11\" is already installed.  If you
         wish to reinstall this bundle, change the \"reinstall\" option
         to \"true\".
NOTE:    Could not install the bundle \"BUNDLE,r=B.11.11\" because none
         of its filesets could be installed.

       * Summary of Analysis Phase:
       * 12 of 12 filesets will be Skipped.
       * The Analysis Phase succeeded

2 [报告]
发表于 2007-09-03 10:52 |只看该作者

3 [报告]
发表于 2007-09-11 10:41 |只看该作者

回复 #1 l_wang909 的帖子

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