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USB driver for Bar Code -Can you please help [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2004-06-15 05:16 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
I have a SUN , BLADE-150 (Solaris-8).\r\nI\'m requested to build an application which reads\r\ndata from a USB Barcode Device.\r\nI\' ve updated the latest patches.\r\n\r\nI have a directory called : dev/usb/5e0.28a/0\r\nAnd it contains the files :cntrl0@ , cntrl0stat@, devstat@ , 0in1@ , if0in1stat@\r\n\r\nI\' ve installed DDK.0.9 from http://wwws.sun.com/software/download/products/3fe8d3b9.html\r\nAnd run a sample program file , which came with the DDK.0.9 kit.\r\n\r\nThe program is using ugen(7D) to read a device descriptor:\r\n\r\n>;devdescr /dev/usb/5e0.28a/0\r\n\r\nThe output was:\r\n\r\nDevice descriptor: VID:05e0, PID:028a\r\nDevice release:0x204, USB release:0x110\r\nDescriptor Length:18, Type:1\r\nDevice Class:0, Subclass:0, Protocol:0, Num Cfgs:1 \r\n\r\nMy question is : How can I get the actual data barcode (The scanned number) from the USB device ?\r\n\r\nThank\'s. \r\nUV.

2 [报告]
发表于 2004-06-17 22:27 |只看该作者

USB driver for Bar Code -Can you please help

How can I access the data of the USB device ?\r\n\r\nThank\'s again.\r\nUV.
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