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著名外企招聘 软件工程师,待遇优厚 [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2008-01-28 15:53 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
我是杰爱士猎头公司的Robin。我公司目前正在为一家知名外企招聘software engineer \r\n职位描述及要求 \r\n\r\nJob Title                     : Software Engineer \r\n \r\nJob Category                  : Technical\r\n\r\nDivision                      : Scalable Systems Group\r\n\r\nJob Location                  : Beijing, China\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nJob Summary\r\n-----------\r\nDeveloping and maintaining the user level SPARC architecture simulator and other system components, including SPARC system device models and tools.\r\n\r\n\r\nJob Description\r\n---------------\r\nRequired Knowledge and Skills for this job:\r\nStrong c/c++ skills. Good shell/perl/python skills.\r\nStrong unix skills. Good software engineering.\r\nFamiliar with OS internals, device drivers, CPU &\r\nSPARC architecture. Strong computer architecture\r\nbackground.\r\n\r\nPreferred Knowledge and Skills for this job:\r\nStrong system software engineering skills and computer\r\narchitecture knowledge. Familiar with OS and hardware\r\ninteraction, Solaris internals and device drivers.\r\nSystem administration knowledge and background in\r\ncomputer algorithms plus.\r\n\r\nRequired minimum education:\r\nMSEE/MSCS \r\n\r\nRequired related industrial experince:\r\n2 - 3 years.\r\n\r\n 待遇优厚!\r\n如果您有意的话请尽快与我联系,联系方式如下\r\n\r\n                      (Robin)\r\nTel::(010) 59003340/41/42 ext.8020 \r\nFax:(010) 59003382\r\nE-mail:robin@dnjchina.com\r\nWebsite:www.dnjchina.com\r\nMSN:t_yx2000@yahoo.com.cn
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